Forty-five (Part 1)

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"I'm sorry," Dr. Owens cut her off. "I just have to say, your smile is so infectious today. It's great to see," she complimented and smiled herself.

Nico grinned wider.

"Thanks.." she paused. "Wait, what was I saying?"

The older woman laughed apologetically. "We were talking about the importance of good friendships."

"Yes," Nico snapped her fingers. "Friendships. I think because a lot of the time I've always had Jada to lean on for emotional support that when she got busy and I didn't have her to turn to, I forgot how to do it on my own. Which.. sounds crazy but we've been there for each other since we were like five-years-old, you know?"

She nodded.

"And obviously it no fault of her own, she has her own life, but it's bad.. right? Leaning on friends from time to time?"

Dr. Owens shook her head. "It's a great thing, having a good network of support, actually. It's important to healing. At the same time, you cannot depend too much on others to help you heal. A lot of it comes from within."

Nico nodded in agreement. "Exactly. I know. I'm relearning that. Anyways, point of all this was to say, I've been trying to cherish more of my friendships."

"Like with Angelo?"

"Yes!" She grinned just at the thought of him.

She was still sad that he left last week but was excited to see him again when Christmas came around.

"I don't know it just.. brought me back to my childhood, I guess. He and I have always been close and he naturally took on the protector role for me growing up.. not that I need him for that anymore, but it's nice to have someone around that you feel completely safe with.. you know?"


"We've had our problems in the past and I'm glad we've moved on from it because I actually missed him in my life. I didn't realize how much until now."

They spent the week after Thanksgiving mostly hanging out and talking, and it was like meeting a new person almost as so much had changed in Angelo's life.

"Anyways, he's the best. I already know what I'm getting him for Christmas," she said in an excited tone.

He off-handedly mentioned his speaker breaking, and Nico knew him well enough to know he'd never go out and purchase another one for himself so she already did it.

And she was excited to surprise him with it.

She'd done most of her Christmas shopping as it was two weeks away so she still had time, but she didn't want to be running around malls when it'd be busy as hell.

Not to mention, she would be away for a week.

"Tell me about the friendship network you've built that you're traveling with?"

They both turned to look at the door.

Her carry-on was against the wall closest to it with her neck pillow wrapped around the handle.

Even though she was flying in a couple hours, Nico refused to miss her therapy session for any reason.

She went twice a week and was faithful since she started two weeks ago.

"It's ironic because I introduced Jada to one of the guys – Marcus – I've mentioned him before, haven't I? Anyways, she's always been the social butterfly so she somehow got us to join this already established friend group like it was nothing," she laughed. "Not that I'm only friends with Jada in the group.. I'm good friends with Sera.. you know the one with the coffeeshop?" She reminded her.

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