Sixty (Part 2)

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Part 100 😱
Thank y'all for rocking with me!



Nico was cutting up some strawberries when she heard Xavier's voice before she even heard the knock and the widest smile spread across her face.

She popped one of the pieces she cut into her mouth as she wiped her hands on a cloth before beelining to the door just as she heard the knock.

She pulled the door open to see Xavier's grinning face with a white rose in his hand.

"Maaamaaaaa!!!!" He yelled, reaching his arms out for her and she quickly grabbed him.

"Eliiiii," she sang softly, hugging him close to her chest as she spun him around.

She could have cried from how much she missed him.

"You got me a flower?" She smiled as he put it to her face, like he usually did whenever he picked it out.

Carter usually bought white roses when he was visiting his grandmother and mother, and he always let Zay steal one so he could give it to Nico.. so she figured that's where they were in the morning.

"Thank you, it's so beautiful," she sang as she kissed all over his face.

His giggles were like music to her ears as she pulled back to give him a once over, noticing his new clothes as well and hair cut.

She touched the edges of his hairline, the soft hairs laying down in a straight line that brought structure to his otherwise round and soft face.

"Wow. Look at you," she fixed the way his shirt rode up him tummy from her assault of kisses. "You leave mommy for a few days and go get your hair cut and some new clothes?? Was I holding you back from looking like a big boy this whole time?"

He just smiled as his eyes were stuck on her lips, listening to her speak, missing the sound of her voice and giggling when she was done to throw his arms around her.

"Maaaamaaa!!" Zay yelled, just missing her face so much.

He leaned in to kiss her lips as Nico's gaze shifted to Carter at the door, just watching the two with a smile.

She tried to put her son down so he could go run off and play but he resisted, resting his head on her chest, letting her know he was pretty tired.

"Thanks," she muttered to him, reaching forth to shut the door.

He pressed a hand to the door before it could close.

"When do I get to see him again?" He asked.

Nico sighed, bouncing Eli on her hip as he caressed the side of her face, trying to pull her attention away from Carter and onto him.

He wanted his mommy all to himself.

"Mamaaa.." he said softly.

"I think I can drop him off Wednesday afternoon," she said, letting Zay turn her face towards him.

When he finally got her complete attention, he looked up and smiled, showing her the new tooth that was coming in.

"Wednesday?" Carter frowned. "That's like a week from now."

It was Friday.

Nico was busy checking his mouth to see if she had missed any other teeth coming in as Zay fussed a little bit at her thoroughness.

"Yeah, I know. But he has a lot of activities to begin the week that I don't want him to keep missing. You're free to come by and see him whenever, just shoot me a text. But I'm thinking actually having him stay with you, Thursday to Saturday works best?"

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