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Carter had his carry-on and backpack with him as he entered the arrivals hall, and he was thankful the first eyes he locked with were the familiar ones of his uncle Kenny awaiting him.

He grinned as he headed down the ramp, happy to see his face after what felt like forever.

"Dang," Kenny said as he wrapped him in a hug as soon as he met him at the end of the ramp. "How long has it been?"

"Too long... you look fly as hell," Carter said as he took the beats headphones off his head. It was only a few months since they last saw each other, but living on opposite coasts and catching up every few weeks did make it seem like forever. He took a step back and admired his fit. His uncle Kenny was only 35 so he still kept in touch with what was cool, so the light blue Nike tech fleece he had on impressed Carter. "And don't look a day over 50."

"Ay," Kenny warned in a tone that made Carter snicker.

He threw his arm around his uncle's shoulder. "Dawg. I'm so happy to see you," Carter told him as they exited the airport.

"Last time we saw each other was at Tina's funeral.. that was months ago, may she rest in peace."

"Maaaan.." he held off on what he wanted to say about her, considering she was technically his sister. "Can you believe her dumb ass kids called me the other day talking bout getting tatted and how we're cousins? We're not related, fuck you and fuck yo mama."

"Come on," Kenny chuckled despite not wanting to. "That's way outta line."

Carter shrugged his shoulders.

Fuck her, the rest of his aunts, all their offspring and that entire side of his mother's family, outside of Kenny.

He wasn't really related to Carter by blood. Kenny was only ten or so years older but Carter always looked at him as more of parental-figure than a sibling-figure because he saw him as his uncle.

Kenny was a newborn when he got dropped off at Carter's grandfather's church just hours after he was born, and his grandparents raised Kenny like their son. With four girls and his wife reaching barren age, his grandfather was delighted to finally have a boy. Carter's mother Celine was the youngest of the family at the time and the only one still living at home at the time as all her sister's had gone off to college, so she practically raised Kenny herself as her parents were too old to care for a newborn.

Ironically, he was the only one around while his mother died, which was such a shame considering her sister's shared blood with her that Kenny didn't.

But Carter never put too much stock in blood.

Family was those that showed up, and his uncle Kenny had been there his entire life. It was only in the last few years that he moved out west that the visits became sparse, but whenever they saw one another it was like they hadn't skipped a beat.

"Oh shiiiittt," he chuckled as he followed his uncle to an all-black Porsche Panamera. "It's like that?"

He ran his hand over the hood in awe.

It was a beautiful car, and he knew his job as a sports agent paid well as he worked with NBA and NFL players but he didn't know it paid this well.

"Lemme drive."

"Hell no," Kenny said as he put Carter's bag in the back. "I don't like the way you drive, you're too reckless."

"Come on," he tossed his backpack in the backseat as well. "You were the one who taught me how to drive, so all I'm hearing now is you don't believe in your own teaching skills."

Kenny chuckled at him. "Fair play. You shoulda went into law," he said as he tossed the keys over the hood to Carter.

He grinned as he rounded the car and got in.

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