Twenty-one (Part 3)

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Carter had Nico's location on his phone, so he knew where her parents lived and where she was at. He also knew it was too late to have guests over, but he really, really wanted to see her, even if it was just for a second.

Even if her parents wouldn't let him stay long, he'd happily catch an Uber all the way home again so long as he saw her face.

His phone rang a few times and he looked at it to see it was his dad calling, and he sent the calls to voicemail.

"I don't know why she doesn't wanna see me anymore. I didn't do anything. I would never do anything to Nico. I love her pretty ass," he spoke into the car.

Violet didn't respond.

As she drove, Letty just blinked away the tears in her eyes, coming to terms with the fact that Carter was now giving everything he'd once given to her, to somebody else and that realization formed a lump in her throat.

She couldn't even speak.

"Why would she want space from me?" Carter muttered as he continued talking to himself.

They entered a quiet neighborhood ten minutes later, and as they neared the circle on the map outlining Nico's location, Carter recognized her car, along with two other cars, in the driveway of the brown bricked home.

Violet pulled over.

The lights in the home were off, except small light from one of the windows and the porch light.

"What if no one answers?" She asked, unsure of whether to leave him here in his state at the strange home.

"Then... I don't know," Carter rubbed his eyes to wake himself up from the slump the alcohol had him in.

"Are you sure you wanna do this in front of her parents? You can see her tomorrow when you're thinking clearer. I can take you home, Carter."

He glared at her then. "You just don't want me to see Nico," he accused Violet, to which she sighed.

"You're drunk, Car."

"No I'm not. Thanks Letty.." he muttered as he got out of the car, and he nearly tripped over his own feet as he did.

He shut the car door and sighed.

"Come on man.. get it together."

Violet waited on the curb for him to get an answer as she watched him stumble up the driveway and just shook her head.

Carter stood there on the porch for a while, giving himself a pep talk, wondering what he would say if anybody other than Nico answered the door.

Then suddenly, he felt Violet was right that it was a terrible idea, and that he wasn't making a good impression on himself if he were to see her parents.

But he really wanted to see Nico, and no desire for her parents to like him trumped that in the moment.

He thought about ringing the doorbell, and then figured to knock as it wouldn't be as loud, and maybe Nico would open the door... but ultimately he shook his head and opted for the bell.

He clicked it and heard a scream on the other side.

Gianna yelled at the sound erupting through the house and coming so late at night, as they were all huddled in the living room watching a scary movie in the dark together.

Her father laughed as he stood to head to the door, switching on the living room light. "Scaredy cat," he teased of his youngest.

"Who would be knocking so late?" Angela wondered as she pressed pause on the movie.

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