Sixty-two (Part 2)

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...She could hear his quiet but quick footsteps climbing the stairs, going two at a time as he came after her, on the chase like usual.

But Nico was already at her bedroom door by then.

She slipped in and shut the door, taking a seat on the bed and seeing his footsteps beneath her door before she heard the small thud of his head resting against it.


She shook her head, turned around and got under the covers.

Xavier made a small noise when she planted her hand on his back and rubbed softly, sharing the bed with him during their stays here in the summer when just years ago she used to share it with his father. He turned his head from looking at the window towards her, but he didn't wake up.

Instinctively, he just curled into her side, noting her presence, wanting to cuddle her like always when they slept together, which was funny, because Carter used to do that same movement, placing his head on her chest and throwing his small arm around her.

It must've been genetic.

Her fingers crawled through her son's crop of curly hair before she glared over at the door when she heard Carter open the door quietly and step inside.

"Please leave. He's asleep," she whispered harshly, not wanting to wake Zay.

Because once he was woken up in the middle of the night, it took everything to get him back to sleep.

"Come back downstairs so we can finish our conversation."

"I've said everything I needed to say."

"Then we doing this here because I haven't," he said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, the side dipping slowly as he lowered himself onto it. "We said no going to sleep with shit on our hearts, remember?"

"Those were rules for when we were in a relationship."

"I don't give a fuck," he told her, his voice rising above the low whisper a bit. "I'm telling you right now you ain't sleeping tonight til we finish our conversation. Now tell me what you want from me."

Zay shuffled at the sound of his voice and she glared at him.

"Get out Carter, I'm serious," she whispered lowly.

"No," Carter spoke at a regular octave. "Fuck no. Matter fact, I'll wake him up so he can join this conversation. Xavier," he called him, reaching his hand across her, threatening to shake him awake only to get a hot slap to the hand.

"You always have to get your way, Carter. Fucking always," Nico fumed quietly as she shoved him away to crawl out the bed, glancing back at the bed momentarily to see Zay stirring a bit before he turned again.

She exited the bedroom to see Carter close behind her, stepping only one step to the right, refusing to head anywhere else.

She wasn't going downstairs with him.

Carter slowly shut Xavier's and looked at her still in the hall.

"Let's go downstairs," he said, looking at her with furrowed brows.

"We'll do this right here," she folded her arms across her chest. "What do I want from you? Right now? Nothing. I wanted compassion but we can't go back in time, can we?"

"No, we can't. So I'm asking you what can I do right now? I'll do whatever.. anything.. just say the words.."

She looked at the bedroom down the hall.

"Go in there and break up with her right now," Nico said, uttering the last words he wanted to hear.. because he simply couldn't do that with a conscience. "Leave her the way you'd leave me if I said that shit. The way you never had a problem leaving me, begging you on my knees. Do that Carter. That's what I want."

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