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1 month later...

"Somebody named Nico is calling you..."

Carter shut off the needle and the buzzing sound came to a halt, leaving only the music and the sound of his phone vibrating on the metal table to fill the room. He had but a few more lines to draw in on his client before he was finished with their session, so he let the phone ring.

He only got halfway through before he heard the vibration of his phone again over the one in his hand.

He glanced over at the topless girl he'd spent the last two hours sitting over with a raised brow. They were almost at the finish line after a long two hours, so he regretted his next words before he spoke them.

"You mind if I take this?"

"It's cool," the girl, who he had come to learn was named Maya and was a Scorpio based on the tattoo he'd been inking into her breastbone, smiled softly for him. "I need a minute anyways. The numbing cream is starting to wear off."

Carter peeled off the rubber gloves he had on and reached for the phone.

"Carterrr," Nico whined into the phone as soon as it stopped ringing.

"What's goin on?"


"Baby.. breathe..." Carter said when he couldn't understand a word she said.

Nico inhaled. "My stupid car broke down when I'm supposed to meet a client right now. I hate this thing, I hate this thing, I hate...this...thing," she smacked the steering wheel and the sound of the horn blowing came through the speaker.

He grimaced as he pulled the phone from his ear.

"Stupid ass car. It's always breaking down on me at the worst times," she said as her voice cracked halfway through. "And my morning was already so shitty like why am I being punished??"

"Whatchu mean it stopped working? What happened?"

"I don't know what happened, it just started making sounds and then turned off as soon as I got off the freeway... imagine it did this while I was on the freeway, oh my God Carter I'd be dead."

He swallowed, because he felt her fear even through the phone. "Baby don't cry, it's gonna be okay... where are you?"

"I'm at..." there was a pause as she leaned forward to get a look at the name of the intersection. "Maple and Park? I don't even know where that is but I know I'm so far from home.. this is the worst day ever," she couldn't hold the tears in any longer and began to cry.

Her soft weeps carried over the phone, despite her best efforts to suppress them. He felt her frustration and anger.

"Did you call your insurance?"

She sniffled. "Not yet.. you're the only person I called."

Her brain had been on short circuit the last few minutes and Carter was the only person she thought to speak to.

"Alright, call em right now and then," Carter glanced at his watch and cringed. She was all the way on the other side of town. "I'm in the middle of something right now but it's gone take me like 30 minutes to get there.."

"You're with a client?" Her voice was apologetic and she was ready to hang up. She thought he was free and was really only calling to vent. "I'll just call my dad.. he usually does this stuff for me. I've never even spoken to my insurance company..."

"Nah, don't call your dad. Just call em and say you need a tow... and then Imma call Jalen to scoop you because he works around the corner from where you're at so he'll be there quick."

'Til Sun Beams Find You [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang