Forty-seven (Part 3)

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A few disclaimers:

And lastly... y'all aren't on Carter's head enough for my liking. I need more smoke his way... team Nico I stand in solidarity with you ✊🏿



"You gone have waffles with that syrup?" Carter joked.

Nico glanced up from her journal to see he had walked past her in the dining room to head to the kitchen. He looked like he'd freshly showered, and even if he didn't look it, Nico heard the shower going for at least the last thirty minutes.

She woke up way earlier than him and got a lot done in the morning, including her beloved yoga in front of the window this time, with beautiful views of the snow-covered mountains in front of her. She even had enough time to make waffles when she found a waffle-maker among the array of pots and pans.

Her eyes followed Carter into the kitchen as he uncovered the plate with the waffles, eggs and bacon she left for him and she returned to writing in her notebook.

"Thanks for making breakfast.."

His movements of plates moving and the coffee machine whirling to warm up again made her lose her train of thoughts, but it was the sound of the microwave beeping that threw her off completely.

Nico just put her pen down and shut her notebook, figuring to finish up her daily journaling some other time.

"You ignoring me?" Carter asked, bringing his plate and cup of coffee to the table.

He sat down two seats from her instead of across from her like always, and she had a feeling he was doing it to annoy her.

Nico swirled her quarter piece of waffle around the syrup she drenched it in and took a bite.

It wasn't warm anymore as she'd been sitting there for over an hour, enjoying the view she had to accompany her morning journaling, so eating wasn't her number one priority.

"Childish," he told her. "How you startin a new day on bullshit?"

"Unless you're gonna apologize, don't speak to me ever again," she said in the calmest tone she could muster.

Carter scoffed as he bit into a big piece of the waffle. "Apologize for what?" He asked with his mouth full.

Nico just looked at him.

His brows furrowed as he swallowed. "What did I say to you? Shit, you should be the one apologizing to me."

She wasn't even done with her food, but she just got up from the table.

Nico tossed the last quarter piece of the waffle in the garbage and then rinsed her plate off. The dishes from last night were still in the dishwasher, and she added her plate, making a mental note to turn it on at lunch so they'd be washed before dinner.

When she returned to the table grab her notebook, she saw it wasn't in the spot she left it.

Nico took a deep breath. "Seriously Carter... I'm not tryna fight with you today so please stop messing with me.."

Her fuse was shortening the more time she spent around him, and it hadn't even been a full five minutes.

He just looked at her as he slowly chewed his food.

"Give me my journal."

"Tell me what I'm supposed to apologize for first.."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Give me my journal."

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