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It'd been a while since Nico spent the night out. She did her makeup, blew out her hair and put on a really nice dress she bought a few weeks ago and had yet to wear out.

She felt really beautiful, and the compliments from her date helped.

Marcus, the man she had met at the grocery store the other week, had finally taken her out on a date after finding time for the both of them in their busy schedules. They were seated at an upscale hotel restaurant that had live jazz entertainment and complimentary wine that Nico wasn't turning down.

It was a bit intimate for a first date, but she got along really well with him so she didn't mind. Not to mention, she was really enjoying their night together.

"I'm not really a classical music kinda girl," she said after they finished their food and watched the performers from their spot in the corner.

Even though they'd only spoken on the phone and through text the last few weeks, she felt comfortable when he sat down in the chair next to her as opposed to sitting opposite of her.

"What do you like listening to?"

Nico opened her mouth and then shut it. "I'm afraid you'll judge me."

"Do I seem judgmental?" Marcus asked, gently rubbing her shoulder as his arm was wrapped around it.

"No. It's just a very... out there music taste. SZA.. Future.. Steve Lacy... Durk.. Snoh Allegra.. Larry June.. I'm kinda all over the place."

She looked at him and he had his brows raised in amusement.

"Quite the catalog," he teased as the music faded out and the song ended.

Everybody clapped quietly before returning to their dinner.

"I've heard of all of them except that last artist."

"He's more gritty hip-hop, good beats and stuff and makes for great workout music."

Marcus smirked. "So you listen to gangsta rap while doing yoga?"

Nico giggled. "Basically."

"I'll give him a listen," he said and smiled a bright smile towards her.

His eyes weren't shy in outlining her features, and Nico found herself shyly turning away from his gaze as she pushed her glass of wine around the table.

"You know my biggest pet peeve is being stared at, right?"

She felt self conscious all of the sudden, even though she'd checked on her makeup every few minutes in her compact mirror to make sure she still looked good.

Which she did.

"I'm sorry, you're really beautiful."

"You said that already," she turned to face him and he smiled.

"It's worth repeating."

The sexual tension existed, and it was thick in the air.

She knew the basics about him like the fact that he would be 29 next month, he worked in law and was one of the youngest at his firm, he had three sisters that all lived out of state and his favorite drink was a Manhattan because he'd ordered two, but she couldn't help but wonder where exactly this was supposed to head. Because as single as she was, her heart was more than occupied, and she wondered if she were making a mistake by going out on this date.

The waiter arrived with the bill, and as Marcus opened it, Nico glanced at it with slightly wide eyes, shocked at the total.

She should have known a menu that didn't list the prices did so for good reason, because the prices would be crazy.

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