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It took her a minute to get back into the groove of things, but multitasking was second nature to Nico at that point. She had tidied up her home, given Xavier his shower and got him dressed and now she was sitting at her vanity and doing her makeup for her date that night with Daniel.

Xavier walked over to her at the vanity and stood next to her, staring at her through the mirror as she blended her concealer beneath her eyes in.

"What?" She asked when he just stared.

Zay smiled. "You're beauuutiful Mommy.."

Nico smiled. "Thank you, baby..."

"And you didn't pack my bag..." he leaned his elbow on the vanity and rested his chin in his hand.

"Pack your own bag," she told him and he made a face.

"Why? That's your job."

"Why is that my job?"

"Because you're my mommy."

"So? You can pack your own bag. You're almost 4, Eli. You're gonna have to start doing it yourself."

He didn't like her answer and made a face conveying exactly that.

Nico smiled. "You know the things you want to have at your dad's house so go and pack them."

"Like what?"

She shrugged. "Your favorite toy, and your blanket... and that book you like for Daddy to read at bedtime... whatever you think you'll want while you're away.."

She usually did it for him, but she was in the practice of giving him more responsibility these days, as she knew she wouldn't be around to solve all his problems anymore.

There was a knock at the door, and Zay turned his head quickly, smiling instantly because he knew it was his father... running slightly late.

He ran to open the door.

She said 5, like always, and it was 6.

Nico could hear the sounds of he and Xavier talking as he entered the apartment, walking straight towards the bedroom.

A moment later, she saw Carter through the mirror, holding Xavier up in his arms as he walked into her bedroom with Nala on their heels.

"My bad that I was late," he took a seat on the edge of the bed, placing Xavier in his lap. "Got held up at work.."

Nico powdered her face.

"It's fine. Just... try to be on time next time," she said softly, as she hated for Zay's schedule to be thrown off.

Carter watched her make herself all pretty, smiling softly at the sight as Xavier muttered on, telling his dad how his day had gone since they hadn't seen one another in two days.

His gaze shifted from Nico reluctantly to look at Xavier, who was still speaking on absently, not caring that Carter wasn't paying attention.

"Where's your bag?" He interrupted.

Zay shrugged. "Mommy didn't pack it."

"You a baby or something? Why do you need her to pack it for you?"

Zay scoffed. "I'm not a baby... I'm three!"

"So go pack your bag," Carter said, putting him down on the ground.

He made a face. "I don't know how!"

He sucked his teeth softly. "You do know how. You just don't want to because ya mama been babying you.."

'Til Sun Beams Find You [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now