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Tuesday morning, Nico's alarm woke her up. She spent most of the morning sending and replying to emails until about 9:30 when she decided to get ready for the day. She had an open house later that day, so she spent a little extra time on her makeup to make sure it was flawless.

At 10:30, she drove to the Starbucks she planned to meet her client at. Since she made it about 10 minutes early, she went ahead and ordered herself a chai latte and a plain black coffee for him, because she wasn't sure how he took it.

At 11, Carter strolled in as he fiddled with the car keys in his hands.

"Hi," Nico stood to her feet to greet him. After all, these were working hours and she was a professional. She thought about sticking out a hand but figured they were likely past that, so standing up seemed polite enough. "I didn't know how you liked your coffee so I just got black."

"Black is fine," he said and took a seat on the chair opposite her.

He pulled the green stopper from the top and took a sip of the warm drink.

Nico took a seat too and observed his demeanor.

"...Is everything okay?" She asked cautiously.

His spirits were usually lighter and lifted.

"Shitty morning," he answered.

"I'm sorry to hear that." She combed her hair behind her ears, deciding not to pry and chose to focus on business. "So I have a couple places that fit the bill for what you're looking for, especially when it comes to size and neighborhood."

Nico began to lay out four different properties for him, detailing all the different sizes and prices, most of which were all things he had requested as well as when they could go check them out. She showed him nearly a hundred pictures, several different maps, many different layouts all while being quick with her words that he truthfully was getting a headache trying to follow along. She definitely knew her shit though.

"The only thing about all of them is... there isn't a lot of foot traffic in their respective areas."

"I'm guessing that's not great news?"

"It's not a dealbreaker, just something to consider. I mean.. you'd be a small business so you want more people trickling in and checking things out with foot traffic. Like... look at where we are," she pointed outside the window next to them. The Starbucks they were at was located right at the corner of two busy streets. "You have people all along this road and all along that road that come here purely out of convenience. It's not Starbucks in particular they're coming to... it's the proximity and convenience that draws them. This corner is prime real estate."

Carter turned from the window. "Did you go to business school?"

"I majored in marketing."

"Why did you choose real estate?"

Nico shrugged. "I was a bit lost on what to do after graduation so I picked up my license just to have something. I ended up falling in love. I love my job most days."

"Not all days?"

"Who does?" She shot back.

The corners of his lips rose into a smile.

"So yeah, we can go check these out this week whenever you're free. We don't have to say yes but it'll give you some ideas. I just have a feeling something better is out there for you. What do you think?"

"I trust you," he said.

"I'm glad to hear that but I really need to know what you think. This is your property, not mine."

'Til Sun Beams Find You [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora