Fifty-one (Part 1)

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Nico finally understood Carter's pain.

Usually it was her that had him waiting as she took forever to get ready, but this time it was him taking forever. She was fully ready over ten minutes ago, makeup done and everything and he had just hopped out of the shower a few minutes ago.

Future was in town and had a concert that night, and Nico only found out she was going two nights before. Carter had gotten tickets with some of his friends months ago, but Aaron couldn't go anymore, so he gave her his ticket.

Nico liked Future's music but she was really going because she wanted to spend the night out with Carter. It had been a while since the two of them had gone out together as they spent majority of their time with one another, and usually indoors. It didn't help that the weather was so shitty this time of year, so she was looking forward to tonight.

Besides, Carter was excited as hell, and it rubbed off on her.

He had his Future playlist on all day even while at work, and it was currently blasting as he got dressed.

While he was getting hype for the concert the more music he listened to, Nico felt the excitement she had draining from her the longer he spent rapping along to the music instead of putting on clothes.

"I'm... too sexy for this syrup.. too sexy for your girl.. too sexy for this world.." he pulled on his jeans with a grin.

"Carterrrr... focus," she begged because she knew they were beyond late, and he always got waaaay too into this song in particular.

The concert started at 9, and it was currently 8:50. Not to mention, his friend Jalen was picking them up, so they were going to make other people late on top of having to find somewhere to park outside the venue.

But that wasn't any of Carter's concern as casually put his deodorant on.

"I'm... too sexy for the trap, too sexy for that cap.. too sexy for that jack..."

This was his hype song, and he curated the playlist specifically to hear this one while he got ready.

"Okay.. alright.. that's fine.. okay.." Carter rapped along to the song as he looked at himself in the mirror as he rubbed lotion into his bare arms. He was feeling himself, and there was nothing Nico could say to take him out his element. "I'm feelin too sexy to accept requests... and I'm way too sexy to go unprotected," he smiled wider, looking at Nico through the mirror.

She rolled her eyes at him as he disappeared into the bathroom for a moment to grab his brush.

And she popped a Tesla now she gone electric...

His hair was still wet from his shower, as he'd only gotten home thirty minutes earlier since work held him back later than usual.

They had found themselves a little routine working around both of their schedules as they found more time to fit one another in throughout their days and it fulfilled the both of them. This week was better than last, and last week was better than the one before.

"..That's fine.. okay.." Carter brushed down his hair as he was growing it out again.

Think we got too sexy for that metro housing...

Nico's phone buzzed on the nightstand from where it was charging, and she crawled across the bed to look at it.

It was a message from the group chat she had with Jada, Nikita and Kiana where she told them she was going to the Future concert and asked them to decide between the black or pink mini skirts.

She asked over an hour ago and both Jada and Nikita agreed with her on black, and she had even sent a follow up message with a photo of her outfit when she was ready.

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