Forty-five (Part 3)

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Nico wore a burnt orange silk dress to dinner that night.

They had dinner at the beach that the resort arranged for all of them, including entertainment like belly-dancing and a fire show.

Ryan was proposing tonight, and they all made a plan to gather back near this one spot on the beach in an hour to watch it.

While he set everything up, a few of the girls whisked Sera away inside under the guise of drinking before they headed for this beach party tonight.

There was no beach party, it would actually be her surprise engagement party they were throwing, but she had no clue. Somehow, she had been convinced to be the only one wearing white tonight, and she looked sooo beautiful it was hard for Nico to withhold her excitement.

Some of the guys lingered at dinner even though it was done, just hanging out and chatting. Nico listened to their conversations for a little bit, not quite ready to head inside where all the girls were because it was nice and cool out, and she wanted to put her feet in the water.

All day they had done land activities, so she spent majority of dinner looking at the proximity of the water from their dinner, and regretted not being in it.

After a few more minutes, Nico stood up and slipped away, not that anybody noticed she was still with them.

She took off her sandals as she made her way towards the water and lifted her midi dress a little higher so it wouldn't get wet.

Cold waves crashed at her feet, coming over her as a wave of relaxation.

The water felt so good.

She turned when she heard footsteps behind her and saw Zach approaching, having left dinner right behind her.


"Hi," she smiled when he came and stood right next to her.

He looked really handsome tonight, but she didn't get a chance to tell him that. Over the last few days, his skin had turned more orange and sun kissed just like hers, but his had a glow about him. He had on a really nice diamond bracelet that looked better and better each day he spent in the sun.

They were seated at opposite ends of the table, so they didn't get to talk much during dinner.

"Did you like the shrimp?"

He made a face as he shook his head 'no'. "I only ate it because the chef was standing right there," he admitted.

The chef made a big deal about shrimp being the meal of the day and his recommendation. Zach was the only other person who got the shrimp with her, everybody else had gotten chicken or salmon.

Nico was stealing glances in his direction the entire night, wondering if he was as disgusted as she was.

She wasn't as respectful, and spit it out after trying the second piece. Then she split Jada's salmon with her.

"That's what we get for trying to be different."

He laughed.

"Watch us get sick," Nico shook her head.

"Forget getting sick, we'll probably die within four hours."

She gasped.

"Don't say that. Words are powerful."

"Hm," he said.

When the water started to feel too cold against her skin, Nico took a step back.

Sand coated her feet and she led the way, walking along the edge of the water while Zach walked beside her.

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