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It was Monday morning, and it seemed like life was refusing to go Nico's way.

It began with her 7 A.M alarm not going off in the morning and having to rush to get ready. Then, her car refused to start as she was already running late for an 8 A.M meeting she had with a client. By the time she'd gotten to the office, it was 8:30 and understandably, she had some very pissed clients. And after getting berated by Brian promptly at 9 for being late, she tuned it out with her need for coffee...

Only for the machine to be broken.

So today wasn't her day at all.

Nico sipped her hot coffee, finally getting to it at 1 in the afternoon. She jotted down a few notes as she looked over some properties for one of her clients.

Her office phone rang.

"Nicolette Waters speaking."

"So you're alive?" Jada asked.

Nico laughed. "I've had a terrible morning."

"I texted you yesterday... even stopped by but you weren't home. When did you get that mirror by the front door, by the way?"

Nico raised a brow. "You were inside my place?"

"Yes. Isn't that the point of me having your key?"

Nico laughed at that. "I was out running errands."

She didn't use her phone on Sundays. She usually went grocery shopping, did her nails and toes and had even gotten her hair trimmed. Once she got home, she tidied up, did laundry, put on some music and took a relaxing bath, all while being otherwise disconnected from the world.

She owed herself one day out of the week to live like a hermit.

"Mhm. What happened to the cute guy from Saturday? Did he tattoo you in other places?" Jada asked suggestively and then giggled at how silly that sounded.


"So you didn't have sex with him?"




"Lame. He was cute. Anyways, I'm so ready for it to be 5 o'clock. What's the point of Mondays?"

"For people to shake the weekend off and do some work... like you should be doing. I'm hanging up now. Bye Jada."

"Bye," she groaned.

The call ended and Nico went back to flipping through different properties that could fit what one of her clients' wanted.

She adjusted the glasses on her nose.

Her phone rang again.

"Jada get back to work," she said without looking at the caller.

"It's Val."

Nico glanced up to the receptionist at their agency to see her smiling back at her through the glass.

Nico chuckled. "Sorry. Thought you were my friend Jada."

"I have a new client here... Brian's still out for lunch. I know you weren't taking on anybody new but I'm not trying to send him away," she whispered lowly.

Nico looked over at all her paperwork and sighed. "It's fine. I'll be out in a sec."

She grabbed a sticky note and tagged the page she was on as well as the property number she was currently looking at before shutting her notebook.

Next, she grabbed her planner to see if she truly could fit anybody in or if she would just pass him along to Brian.

"I'm so behind," Nico silently groaned before she stood to her feet.

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