Twenty (Part 2)

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Carter intended on letting her win, he really did.

He didn't give it his all, and had purposely missed on a few rounds so she could get a big lead on him as he was perfectly content with taking the L if that made her happy... but she was making it really hard for him these last few rounds.

She had her little dance that she did every time she hit well on her color and had a different dance for when he didn't hit well on a few rounds. She talked shit, she yelled in his face and she even got the waiter serving their range to stick around to watch her hit a perfect score after Carter missed on his turn just to rub salt on the wound.

All he could do was laugh.

She didn't have a drop of sportsmanship in her body.

"Your turn," she grinned as she reached for her drink on the table.

The score was 64 to 46, but he hadn't gone yet.

"You sure you don't wanna use the smaller clubs?" She asked when Carter reached for the same one he'd been using all night. "I know it's meant for girls but you play like one so it might help you..."

"I been taking it easy on you, Nico... don't make me win right now," he warned as the ball was spit out from the machine.

He aligned it on the plastic tee and turned to her.

"Apologize," he demanded.

"Fuck you," she shot back.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded her head with a grin.

"Okay," was all he said as he stepped to the golf ball. He adjusted his feet slightly and positioned his club properly before he looked at the color he'd be scoring on.

He reached the club back and swung, and the ball flew into the air before drained right on target and into the hole.

64 to 56.

"Pure luck," Nico scoffed as she placed her drink down and was up before he could even sit down.

She had gotten three perfect 10s, this was only his first.

"If you say so," he plopped into the couch. Carter stretched his arms out along the couch and smirked as he watched her wave him off confidently.

She had her trusty golf club that felt good in her hands all night, and after double checking the target on the screen, she set her feet just like he had, and practiced her swing a few times before using her force and hitting hard.

He had to give it to her, she claimed she was good and she really was good.

74 to 56.

"Ooooh!!" Nico exclaimed as she raised her club into the air and spun around.

She hit her little dance.

"Did you see that??"

She had scored right into the hole on yellow just like he had, giving her another 10 points to add to her score.

Carter nodded as he grabbed a few of the nachos. "I did."

Nico took a dramatic bow, already celebrating her victory before running to sit down with a grin. "Gooo," she rushed, excited to get her win in as it was the last round coming up next.

"I can't enjoy my nachos?" Carter asked with a mouthful and smile.

"You're just tryna delay this loss," she said as she picked out a chip to eat as well.

Carter wiped his hands with a napkin and went up to the platform.

He swung again and made it on yellow, exactly as she had.

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