Sixteen (Part 2)

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"Baby, this is Nico. Nico, this is my boyfriend Elijah."

Nico just stood there for a moment, wondering how she had gotten herself into such a situation.

For the entire night Nico was just there minding her business, dancing her little dance and drinking her little drink when the woman approached her for a dance at first. She introduced herself as Destiny and then offered to buy her a drink, and now she was introducing her boyfriend to Nico.

The guy looked even better up close than from what she could see when he was sitting across the club a moment ago. She wasn't picky about having a type, but if she were, it would have to be tall men that had a nice smile, and he had one of the nicest.

He was damn fine, she had to admit.

"Hi," Nico squeaked the word out, as she felt extremely overwhelmed by all the focus on her as the couple picked apart her every feature.

"Hi," he repeated with a smile before he glanced towards his girlfriend, who wore an excited grin.

Elijah gestured towards the shots Destiny had ordered for them and they all grabbed one and knocked it back together.

Nico swallowed the drink and swallowed her nerves with them.

"You guys seem really cool, and I'm flattered by whatever offer you have, but I'm just not into threesomes or any of that stuff," she finally spoke.

"Who said anything about a threesome?" Destiny inquired with a mischievous smile as she placed her shot glass down.

"I'm not into girls, either," Nico clarified.

"I don't want you to be. I just wanna watch you two," Destiny responded as her eyes bounced between her boyfriend and this stranger.

Nico blinked several times before she looked towards Elijah's intense eyes.

She turned to Destiny again, and she wore a patient expression.

"You wanna watch him.."

She couldn't even finish the sentence.

"Fuck you? Yes." Destiny finished for her.

Nico's head was spinning.

Perhaps her answer would have been different three months ago, but as it stood, she was more than satisfied when it came to sex, and this man, as fine as he was, didn't move the needle for Nico.

She knew of another man that was taller, smelled better, had the nicest of smiles and fucked the absolute tears out of her.

"I'm flattered, but no thank you. Thanks for the drink. I hope you guys find whatever you're looking for," she said and turned around before they could convince her otherwise.

Nico made a beeline towards the booth the group had gotten for the night. She collapsed into the spot between Jada and her cousin Nikita.

"So.. what happened?? Who was that fine ass man??" Jada asked, as they had watched the sequence all go down in real time.

Jada was the one that had all but pushed Nico into that woman's arms.

"That was her boyfriend."

"They wanted a threesome?" Jada leaned in eagerly for a response.

"She wanted to watch him fuck me," Nico said and then covered her head in shame at saying the words out loud.

Sure everybody had their own kinks, but that was just too much for Nico.

"What????" Kiana, Jada's other cousin, exclaimed.

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