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"Oh Nico..." Jada said softly, staring at the little boy in her arms.

He was only a few days old, but it was the first time she was meeting him as she couldn't find the time during the work week. It was a Friday evening, and she usually spent it with her sister and her niece but today, a new baby had captured her heart.

"He's so precious..."

Nico smiled, watching as Jada held him.

"You know who he looks like?"

"I know," Nico laughed. "Mom cried when she saw him."

They had gotten everything on the scans wrong. He didn't look like Nico, he looked similar to Nico.

In actuality, he was a spitting image of her older sister.

In fact, to not feel like she was going crazy when everybody wondered why she began sobbing when she saw the little boy, Nico's mother searched high and low for the photos she had when Emi was first born, and it was like looking at the same baby.

"That's incredible," Jada cooed. "Aw, Nico. He's like a little reminder."

"I know.." her eyes watered.

He was healthy as could be, weighing in at 7 lbs on the dot, with all 10 toes and all 10 fingers. His heart beat was strong and his cry was loud, and it always made her smile to hear his cries, because she knew that was the only way he could communicate with her... and she loved it. They took him to the hospital that night and got him checked out and everything before they were headed on their way home. Her parents met her at the hospital, driving the three hours that evening in a rush to meet their grandchild.

They thought Carter and Nico were playing a prank on them by saying she had given birth in the tub, but it wasn't a prank.

She really had.

She still couldn't believe it happened.

"Oh you're so precious, Jaden.." she cooed.

Nico snorted. "His name is not Jaden."

"Well until you pick a name, he will be referred to as such. My little baby," she cooed softly as he held her finger in his hand.

Babies loved Jada, because even though she was an absolute stranger, he hadn't cried once since she picked him up, and he usually cried when he left Nico's arms.

Nico sighed, remembering her dilemma of choosing a name.

They walked into the hospital, checking him in under the name 'Baby Boy Simmons' and checked him out with the same name.

But he had his first pediatrician appointment tomorrow, and she didn't want to show up without a name.

He was four-days-old, and would be five tomorrow.

That seemed irresponsible to be nameless at five-days-old.

But she just... didn't know.

"Where's Carter?" Jada asked, looking around the quiet apartment.


Jada looked at her.

"What?" Nico asked.

"Did you guys.....?"

Nico raised a brow, waiting for her to finish.

"....take the paternity test?"

"Oh," Nico laughed. "I don't know what happened to it."

Things had been such a whirlwind with getting settled after giving birth three hours away, it had completely slipped her mind that she had asked at the hospital. They didn't do paternity testing there but they gave them the kit and referred them to a clinic.

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