~31~ The one with the floating bodies and revelations

Start from the beginning

"No splashing people in the pool." he scolded and I winced in apology "I'm sorr--"

"That's is solely the privedge of the instructor."

I felt water hit my face with a loud splosh.

"Were you seriously apologising?" I heard him laugh

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay." he clapped his hands "Back to business. Let's start."

"About time." Brianna muttered under her breath. I stifled a laugh.

He then launched into an animated explanation of what swimming is all about. He went on naming the various 'swimming jargons' what he referred to them as.

"Now, the first thing you have to learn is float on your backs." he said and we both stared at him

"Seriously?" Bri asked "We're just going to do that? Float?"

"For now." he said "Go on. Get on your backs."

After a few tries, Brianna and I were successfully floating on our backs. And it was officially the single most awkward thing I've ever done and trust me, I've had a fair share of awkward moments

"This is so much fun." I squealed

"I know right." he squealed back in a high-pitched voice "..Now if you would excuse me, I have to go check on my students."

After he was gone, everything felt silent for a while. We were noiselessly floating in the rippling water. I felt at peace in the silence.

"God. I love this." I heard Brianna sigh

"I know right." I sighed "I could stay like this forever."

"Hmm.." she sighed "Actually not forever, we would be like dried prunes then."

"Wet prunes." I corrected

"Touché." she said seriously and let out a little giggle a few seconds later.

"Wow Bri, late reaction much?" I laughed

"No, no." I heard her say "I just remembered something.." I could hear the smile in her voice "A childhood memory. You remember how I told you how Liam and I know each other since we were in diapers?

"Hmm.." I replied, closing my eyes enjoying the cool water caressing my face

"You know we had this little game where we used to fill a small plastic tub with bubble bath mixture and throw toy fishes into it." she said "We'll then try to locate the fishes in the bubbles and the one who found most fishes won."

"That sounds pretty fun." I laughed

"Trust me, it really was." she laughed "We'd play this game all the time and at the end of the day, our hands would get all wrinkly and pale." she sighed "Those were the days, man."

"Hey! Don't get all nostalgic on me." I teased.

"Sorry." she laughed "We were best friends."

"Still are." I reminded her.

"Still are " she agreed "But then.. it was different back then" she paused for a moment and let out a little laugh "You know what's weird?"


"I had a silly childhood crush on him back then."

It took all my mental and physical strength to not flip over face first into the water. She what? "Really?" I sputtered, my heart thudding loudly.

"Yeah." she said and dismissed it quickly "but it was all the way back then. Poor Liam had no clue. Well don't blame me, he was one cute kid.

He likes you back!! I wanted to yell at her. But I wanted to be sure first.

Never Been Kissed || Liam Payne (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now