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Gwi walks briskly down corridor and stops at HR's door, light still on in the room, women's voices heard inside.

Hye-ryung-a, may I come in?

HR flies to the door and into Gwi's arms, trembling. MS smiles with relief at Gwi and gets up to leave.

What's all this?

Gwi holds HR away from him a bit to see her face.

Kim Mi-sook told me you'd be back. And I knew she was right, but- I thought you might be with the gods and that they might try to keep you there again.

All's well now, my lady. Goodnight.

Goodnight, Kim Mi-sook.
(mouths 'thank you' to MS while holding HR tightly)
Goddess, I want to take you somewhere. Are you too tired?

Not even a bit. I want to stay up all night with you.

Gwi takes HR by the hand and pulls her into the corridor which becomes a cliff by the sea, the same one from his dream.


HR shields her eyes as the change from night to day has shocked her. The movement from one space to another has made her dizzy. She trips forward slightly. Gwi stops walking so quickly to steady her.

I'm sorry, my love. I forgot that you've not transitioned before.
(puts his hand on her head to restore her balance)
Are you okay now?

Yes. You took away the dizziness. Thank you.
(looks around, gasps)
But Gwi. This is the place in my painting.

Yes, do you like it?

(runs closer to the cliff edge)
It's marvellous. Are we here to enjoy the sunlight?

(joins her, holds her hands, facing her, controlled but nervous)
Choi Hye-Ryung. I don't know precisely when I started caring for you, but somehow, somewhere along the way you became the sunshine in my life. And now it's as though you're an essential part of me. I don't want to be separated from you ever again. I want to spend every day of my life just breathing, laughing, being with you. I want to hear about all the things you're learning, all the thoughts you're having. I want to make love to you until the dawn rudely interrupts us. I want you to be the mother of my children. I want you to be utterly, entirely mine. I want to be the 'yes' to all your prayers. Will you marry me? Will you be my wife?

(somewhat in shock, this has all completely overwhelmed her, breathless, doesn't really know what she's saying)
Yes. Married? Can we- Yes. Are we allowed to be married? Truly? Yes, yes, I-
(tears spring to her eyes)
Is that why you were away today?

Yes, my dear. We have permission, but there is one condition and I honestly don't know what you'll think of it.

What is it?

You have to agree to become a demi-god. We need to be equal to be married.
If you're surprised, I am not less so. You don't need to give me an answer right away. I want to be sure you don't have any unanswered questions or doubts or worries. It certainly isn't the way I imagined this going so I can only assume that it's a shock for you too.

How did you imagine it?

I was planning to become a man. I thought they would approve it. They didn't.

My love, how could you? You can't give up something so precious, especially when it's only just been restored to you.

Well, the gods seem to agree with you there. But that puts everything on you, I'm afraid.

Can we stay here for a bit?

As long as you like.

They sit down. HR looks out at the sea for a moment.

Gwi, you're right that I don't want any difficult surprises because I don't know what I'm getting into. The more I know what's required of me, the better. But it doesn't matter really what you tell me about being a demi-god. Whether it's good or bad, whether it's hard or easy. It's not going to change my answer. If I had to go to hell and back I would. If I have any say in the matter whatsoever, I am not willing to be separated from you ever again. This is my chance to have you completely and forever. I am not going to miss it.

But I should consider what will change practically. What are the disadvantages to being a demi-god?

Lack of freedom is probably the first and most obvious. Of course, your daily life goes along with all sorts of decisions that you make on your own. But ultimately, you are not able to make your own choices. You are a servant to the gods. If you go against them, there are harsher, swifter consequences than humans experience from the gods on earth.

I already seem to suffer on that account since they have control over you. And being punished immediately almost seems better than silence which I've had more than enough of already.

Sometimes you get a charge like your father. Not until you're more experienced. But working with humans, helping them when you don't think they deserve any help, being prevented from helping them in the way you want to – all of that can be painful. The council may expect you to be more trusting and accepting of their decisions but they will tell you directly what they require of you.

Would we-
(stops herself)


Will we be able to have a family? Would it be mostly the same as I'd expect?

(takes her hand and kisses it)
Yes. Any children we have will also be demi-gods.
(pulls her in to hold her from the side)

Will I be able to do all the things that you do? Creating things and being invisible?

With practice.

Are we really going to be married?

I sincerely hope so. Just think how excited Kim Mi-sook will be. So much shopping and planning to do. Oh, my dear, that's another quite serious disadvantage. Living forever means watching all the humans you love die, one after another. We do not go into the afterlife, not any time soon in any case. You will have countless final goodbyes.

But I will never have to say goodbye to you?

If we choose to stay together then no one will separate us. We can opt to be apart for a time if there is some reason. Hyeon, for example – he and his wife were promoted to another area. She went ahead and he stayed behind to support Soo-ji for a time. When they are ready, he will join his wife.

How soon can we be married?

(breath laughs)
You can choose the day.

Kim Mi-sook will want more time than I like to plan everything. Let me see how much I can talk her down.

How can all of this be real? I wanted things to work out somehow, but I never imagined all of this. I could never have dreamed all of this. Are you happy?


Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now