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HR paces in her room. MS opens the door and before she can close it HR hugs her fiercely. MS is surprised and overwhelmed but smiles and hugs HR back after initial reaction.

Kim Mi-sook. Is this real? It can't be real. I'm so happy.

My lady, let me close the door first and then you can tell me all about it.

MS closes the door and smiles at HR.

Would you like to sit, miss?

(emotional rollercoaster and pacing throughout)
Sit? No, I couldn't possibly sit now. He loves me. No, he didn't say that. He didn't even say he liked me. But- Kim Mi-sook, I'm so happy.

My dear, what happened?

(smile grows as she talks)
He told me his plan. And I refused him. So he told me I could go along with it or die. And I chose to die. And then he-
(dreamy, covers her mouth)
He gave in to me. In any case, I'm not dead, Kim Mi-sook. Isn't it wonderful?

I'm sure it's even more wonderful than what you've told me, miss. I couldn't be happier, for both of you, though I imagine there will still be many difficulties ahead. You have overcome the darkness today, for both of your sakes, I hope. Maybe you should make a note about it in the journal that you keep, my lady, so that you can remember such a special occasion. I hope I never forget it.

Yes, I will! Thank you, Kim Mi-sook.

HR hugs MS again, then moves to the table taking out ink, brush, and paper.

I'll bring you some tea, miss.

HR doesn't even hear MS; she has already started writing.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now