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Gwi and steward stand in the throne room, looking at the progress that's been made to open the ceiling.

Yes, this is much better. How much longer do they expect it will take?

A month, at most two.

Fine, but if we can speed that up any, let's do so. We need everything lighter in tone as well so the furniture will have to be changed out.

Yes, sire.

Also, gather the servants together and announce to them that our work arrangements will be changing. The palace will continue to run as normal – though obviously without all the unpleasantness from before – until every servant has either left of their own accord or has become too old to continue their duties. For anyone who wants to leave before retiring, we can give them a small stipend. For anyone who stays until they can no longer work, we will give them enough to live on for the rest of their life. A minor change, but some people may want to be free to do other things.

I expect the duties to be lighter as we will have fewer guests and no further body disposals, but everyone has had a year of that, so I imagine you are all used to the lighter workload. Let's try to think of ways to keep everyone occupied though, shall we?

Yes, Your Majesty. I will continue to develop plans for the renovation of the palace. And I will ask the head of each area to consider how they might contribute.


Your Majesty, the servants would like to be able to show you their gratitude as well as their happiness that you have returned in some way. If possible, they would like to put on some sort of event for you, though I have not been able to think of any suitable possibilities to fill the guest list.

I may be able to come up with a smaller gathering, though if all the staff want to be involved, I'm not sure it would be satisfactory.

No, that would be wonderful, sire. We can divide the tasks so that everyone is able to participate in some way. As you say, we may lose a few servants anyway who would like to return to the outside world. Those who stay will all be very pleased.

Well, I'm surprised to hear that in any case. Since when were the servants so fond of me?

I believe they were already warming up to you before you were taken from us. But taking care of Ms Choi for the year and seeing her love for you I think has impacted them all profoundly. In their efforts to support and serve her, they started wishing you were here for her sake. All sorts of stories were springing up about where you might be and how you might find your way back, each one more legendary and fantastical than the one before. Knowing that you're a demi-god has made the collective imagination run a bit wild, but all to good effect I believe.

I see. Well, I will let you know about the gathering in time. We'll have it in the throne room once it's ready.

Yes, Your Highness. Thank you.

Steward leaves the room while Gwi stands looking up at the sunlight flooding the large room. Gwi remains in the light, soaking in the sun.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now