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HR walks through the palace corridors, looking around hoping to pass Gwi. Having no luck, she goes to the garden and walks around, frustrated and anxious. Eventually she finds herself on the gazebo over the pond and sits down.

(stopping and starting throughout)
It's been over a week now. How can I not have seen him all this time? Is he even in the palace? If he was away though, Kim Mi-sook would tell me. She's being so evasive. Something must be wrong.

Maybe it was all a joke. Is he laughing at me for being so naïve? Maybe he's going to kill me after all. I'll want to die anyway if he was just laughing at me.

I wonder if he's had any dinner parties with other women.
(too painful, stops this line of thought)

What if he's hurt and Kim Mi-sook doesn't want to worry me? Maybe I could just see if he's in his room.
(looks around, thinking, frustrated)

This is pointless. If he wanted me, he would find me or send for me. I'm not solving anything by sitting here worrying about it.

She gets up and wanders around the garden, trying to focus on the garden and the stars.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now