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Gwi sits on his throne leafing through a booklet. HR enters.

Hello, my dear.
(drops his booklet to the ground)
Was it a successful trip?

HR stays at the bottom of the steps.

I don't think it went very well, sire. I mean, I met him. He did come, just like you said he would. But then I lost my temper and he disappeared.

What did he say about you? Did he treat you like his old love?

No, actually, I'd forgotten all about that. He didn't seem to notice me much, not like that anyway. Before he disappeared, he said that he was right about me, that I was perfect. Maybe that was something about her? I don't know. It didn't feel like it was a loving remark. Other than that, I couldn't get him to help at all. He said it's all between you and the gods and doesn't have anything to do with him.

It was very frustrating. If I just continually invoke him, will it annoy him enough to change his mind?

Well, he has to come but he doesn't have to show himself and he doesn't have to stay. So that would probably be more trying for you than for him. It's probably best to just wait and see what happens. He's around you now, for whatever reason, so he probably has something in mind.

Why are you all the way down there? Come up here.

HR climbs the steps. Gwi reaches out to hold her hand and looks up at her.

I'm glad you met my brother. I'm glad he likes you. Just so long as you don't like him.

(makes a face)
I couldn't. He's not my type.

Your type? What's your type then?


Good answer.

Female servant enters to announce PM. HR scrambles to make her way out. As PM enters, he sees just the back of HR's dress and assumes it's her, disgust crossing his face.

Terrible timing, Prime Minister. How may I help you today?

I apologise for the intrusion, sire. I've just been told that my potential marriage to the Chief Inspector's niece was frowned upon, by you. The family, naturally, now have no intention of moving forward with our plans.

Yes, that's right.

May I ask why you disapproved of the match? I thought it would strengthen our ties.

And swell your coffers, no doubt.

Yes, well it's only natural that I would look for a match that's favourable in more than one way.

Prime Minister. Might I suggest that you are a very powerful man, but not a very well-loved man, for many reasons, most of which come back to me of course. Men who are powerful and ambitious often push aside so many people who are weaker than them that they endanger themselves. An angry mob is very dangerous to a single man, no matter how powerful he is.

(not interested in being lectured to but taking it because he has to)
Yes, but this marriage would surely bind us together, meaning that I will not so easily be overtaken by a band of rebels.

It is not a stronger position for you if even the people you are close to are enemies. Is anyone endeared by your cowering in a cabinet while your wife was murdered? Even if you denounce them as silly rumours, people will not believe you, especially when you so hastily run to whatever woman will have you next.

Do you actually imagine that this niece is rejoicing to be wedded to you? She is around the age of your own daughter and no doubt already has reservations on that account. Will you make her happy? Will her family be oblivious to the way you handle those closest to you?

I am preventing you from a swifter downfall than you would have for yourself. You should take this time to at least pretend to be charming or worthy in some respect.

Yes, Your Majesty. I am sorry for my lack of wisdom in this area. Thank you for correcting me. I will focus my energies as you advise. Good day.

PM leaves, controlling himself as best as he can from storming out/lashing out violently. Gwi notices all the same.

Sooner than later then.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now