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Gwi sits leaning against a wall, frustrated. Speaks again to the air.

No hints or clues at all then? Thus far, it's all endless walls and paths.

Gwi closes his eyes and somewhat drifts off. On opening his eyes, the wall in front of Gwi opens and he sees HR wandering aimlessly in the palace yard on a sunny day. She is forlorn and seems lost. Gwi leans forward and calls her name.


She seems to hear this, turns around looking for Gwi, but then realises it was only her imagination and crouches down, dissolving into tears. Gwi is visibly upset.

Oh, my love.

HR looks up and around again, then puts her head back down. Lee Seong comes into the yard and sees HR crouching down and crying.

Miss, are you all right?
(crouches down to meet her)

HR lifts her head and tries to put on a brave face.

Yes, I'm sorry Lee Seong. It's just another rough moment. I will be fine when it passes.

Don't be sorry, my lady. It's only right to miss those we love. Grief comes and goes in waves; it's much better to ride the waves than try to resist them. We are all here for you. If you need anything at all, just tell us. We are anxious for the master to return as well and it makes us all happy to know that he is cared for so deeply by someone so worthy. After all these years, to see him finally released – especially those of us who are older amongst the servants, we are so grateful to you.

Thank you, Lee Seong. That is very kind of you.

Would you like me to walk with you a bit? Or shall we go back inside and call for some refreshment?

Thank you, I think I will just take a small walk alone. Don't worry, I will be back soon. I am only out to enjoy the sun for a moment.

Yes, miss. I know His Majesty would be happy to see you doing your best while we wait.

They both stand and HR begins to walk off. Steward grows sad as he watches her. HR walks on and tries to breathe deeply.

I am fine. I will be fine. He will come back.

Gwi breathes in and opens his eyes quickly, waking from the vision. Frustrated, he puts his head in his hands. The wall in front of him instantly starts to crack.

I had forgotten I could do that.

Gwi looks at the wall and the crack widens, spreading out on both ends. He splays his left hand open and cracks go in all directions from the original crack. The wall begins to crumble from the middle section. He stops and the wall remakes itself, returning to its original form.

Gwi looks around.

But what good is that here? I can't get out of here by destroying the maze.

Gwi's hand starts shooting a few sparks of gold. Remembering another power, he puts his palm up and the gold sparks become a small ribbon of gold light, weaving around, creating a branch of plum blossoms. He looks at the branch for a moment, sighs, stands and throws the branch on the ground, getting back to his walk.

When the branch hits the ground, it makes the sound of more than just one branch hitting the ground. Gwi turns around and sees a full bouquet of mixed flowers where he'd thrown the single branch.

That's new. Hmm.

Gwi turns back to his walk and goes forward for a bit, turning a corner, he sees the same bunch of flowers in front of him.


Gwi retraces his steps and sees the previous flowers in the same spot. Walks forward and down another path and sees the same flowers. Gwi crouches down to pick up the third bunch.

What should we do with these then?

Gwi suddenly has a flash memory of HR.

Let's invoke your brother and I can tell him what I think of him.

Right. Of course, this is all about Tae.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now