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Gwi still crouching down with the flowers.

I don't think he can kill me here, not now. That's some comfort.

Gwi breathes deeply and starts to sing the two lines of Tae's invocation. Sings very quietly, more like something between speaking and chanting. He finishes and tosses the flowers down, standing, waiting.

Eventually Tae comes round the corner of a pathway towards Gwi. Gwi tilts his head as Tae approaches. Both brothers serious.


I see your powers are coming back to you at last. You probably don't even need to invoke me now. It seems our ability to communicate has been restored.

Restored? Didn't you block it yourself?

Certainly not. I didn't have any choice when the gods were determining your punishment. They didn't even allow me in on the decision while it was being made. I found out at your trial, the same as you.

And how have you been all this time?

Bored. Helping some charges here and there. The gods left me the ability to sense your feelings. So that's been hell. I don't need to ask how you've been.
Though I think things have taken a turn for the better recently?

How much do you know about Hye-rung?

How much do I know?
You really think that it was you who found her then? Typical. You never did give me credit for anything.

You found her?

Well, in all seriousness I can't take credit either. The higher ups are absolutely in love with her, despite her impatience and fears. They singled her out when she was born and gave her to me as a charge. It was pretty obvious by the time she was 10 what her purpose was, or at least one of her purposes. So, I just happened to call you both out one night. Even with our communication blocked, the gods allowed that particular incident.

I don't understand. Why wouldn't you keep her for yourself?

She's not Yeon-hee, even though they look alike. And anyway, Yeon-hee and I were never really meant to be. I realised that at your trial. If she had truly loved me, she would have had enough faith in me to tell me what was going on. I could easily have dealt with her father.

That's all long dead and gone now. But you, you're just getting started.

You're saying that all of this you've done for me. Why would you do that?

Brotherly affection? If you want it to be more selfish than that, you can tell yourself that I'm tired of feeling your despair.

What else have you done? Tell me everything.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now