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Gwi walks quickly in a large garden, looking for something, finally comes upon a man about 15 years older than him pruning a bush with his back to Gwi. Gwi's face lights up.


Hyeon turns around and is equally delighted.

Gwi! My boy, how on earth did you come here?
(hugs Gwi)
It's about time. It is so good to see you. It's been dreadfully dull without you. You know how everyone is around here – all rule-followers. I'm always trying to liven things up but having you here will be just the thing.

I'm very glad to see you again.

I would ask how you've been but I have a rather good idea already. How did you finally manage to return?

Actually, I'm not entirely sure. Maybe you can tell me. I was stabbed, I killed the man who stabbed me, and then suddenly I was a demi-god again. Do you know what happened?

Tell me the details. You've certainly been stabbed and killed people before so it can't be that simple.

Well, someone else was meant to be stabbed. I stepped between her and her attacker.

Oh yes, it will have something to do with that, no doubt. Who was the woman and the man?

It was a father and daughter.

And what are they to you?

It's the woman I love.

Oh my, you're in love? With a human again?

Yes, I'm afraid so. Apparently, I never learn.

But don't you know what this means? Gwi, you might have been killed.

Just from a stabbing? How?

Yes, of course they had to keep that from you; it would have been part of your punishment. Being in love would have made you weaker, making it possible to kill you. It still wouldn't have been easy, but possible. In short, what happened is that you sacrificed yourself to save this girl. That must be why your status has been restored.

I can hardly take credit for that. I didn't know that I might have died.

(waves this away)
Never mind that. You obviously would have done the same in any case. The gods must have known and approved your reinstatement.

Actually, Hyeon, the gods have pulled me here. I haven't come on my own volition and I'm quite anxious to get back. I disappeared suddenly after killing Hye-ryung's father – you can imagine the chaos – and I'm worried about her. In fact, the whole palace may quickly become a vacuum for evil to rush in.

Let's go back to my shed. Soo-ji will no doubt be working through your processing.

Gwi and Hyeon begin to walk through the garden heading towards a small, simple building.

How is your daughter then? Still enjoying putting everything to rights through organisation and hard work?

You can't imagine. It suits her so well I wonder how she can be my daughter. I wish I could promise you special treatment, but you know how she is.

Yes, as I recall the last time I saw her, she was sad to see me go but rather too pleased that she was getting experience in writing up a new type of report.

That's my Soo-ji.

As usual, I will do my best to slip through as quickly as possible.

They reach the shed and Hyeon opens the door, but holds back after opening it.

Oh no.

What's wrong?


Gwi looks around Hyeon to see an enormous space inside with walls and paths, much bigger inside than the actual shed itself.

They've blocked my ability to send you anywhere. Confound it! You'll have to go through the maze of understanding just to reach Soo-ji and who knows what she'll tell you when you get there. They're trying to slow you down, Gwi.

(beginning to get frustrated)
But why would they want to do that?

At this level we're talking about Providence so your guess is as good as mine. Either you still have more to learn to be completely reinstated, or there's a reason He doesn't want you on earth. Or both, maybe more.

What do you know about this maze? How quickly can I get through it?

The only thing I know is that it's less about finding the way out than finding the purpose of it. You can wander around, you can sit still, you can pace back and forth. The main thing is to look for the reason you're here, not the exit.

Gwi suddenly finds himself alone in the middle of the maze.

Damn. Always at their whim.
(speaks up to the walls around him)
I would just like it noted that I'm in a hurry, and not for myself.
(somewhat to himself)
Well, partly for myself, it's not like I get any joy from being here rather than with her.
(again to the walls)
You could give me some clues to speed this along.
I may as well walk while I think.

Gwi sets off down a random path.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now