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Gwi and HR walk in the garden.

Where were you for all that time?

I'm afraid it wasn't all that time for me – though I can't describe how long or short it was. If you remember, time works differently there, so I can only say I was away for a period with different parts. It was something like processing for my reinstatement. My communication with Tae was restored. Then I was waiting for paperwork to be completed and fighting a bit with Providence. Then I was in proceedings to finalise my re-deification. Necessary, but I would have preferred to be going back and forth to see you.

Is that why you were fighting with Providence?

Yes, they were preventing me from coming back to you. It was pointless, of course. You can't win a fight against the gods, but in my view, there are times to fight and times to surrender. I didn't feel like surrendering.

I'm grateful that you tried. And I'm relieved you didn't feel the time like me.
If you had told me when you left, or if Tae had told me, if I had known at all that you would be back in a year, I don't think it would have been half so bad. A year is a long time, but it is not unbearable. And I would have had something to look forward to. The worst thing was not knowing at all when my misery would be over, if it ever would be over. I wasted so much time wondering and worrying about years passing without you. Now it all seems so silly to have been so dramatic.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if it rained? We've never been in the rain together.

It suddenly starts to rain.

(shocked, laughing)
Did you just make it rain?

I think it's just a coincidence.

Can you make it rain harder?

Rains comes down more heavily. HR squeals with delight.

Are you able to do storms like typhoons and hurricanes as well. Don't do it! I'm just asking.

If there's some reason for it, I suppose I could manage. It's not often needed.

A sudden, unexpected rain shower? Nice to see it's someone else's doing this time.

Tae walks up behind Gwi and HR. The rain stops suddenly and the sun shines again. HR stands more closely to Gwi with her hands folded together and her head down, both dripping a bit.

(shaking off some, with affection)
Hello, brother. Isn't it too soon to start dropping in unannounced?

I prefer to pick up where things left off. It gives everyone a sense of stability.

(breath laughs)
And to what do we owe this pleasure? It's always such a joy to bask in your wonderous glow, but don't you have work to be doing?

Actually, I'm making the rounds, just checking on some of my charges today. I hardly think it's necessary in this case, but you know how fussy some people can be about paperwork.
(looks at HR who is still not looking at him)
She doesn't seem very interested in my visit though. Why so quiet Hye-ryung-a? You normally have so much to say.

(looks up finally between Tae and Gwi)
Your charges-?

I'm your guardian, my dear.

What-? Do you mean-? How long have you been my guardian?

All of your life, of course.

(distressed even more, bows her head again, lower)
I'm very sorry about the way that I spoke to you...several times now. I didn't realise that you were helping us and I didn't know-. But really all my life? Why didn't you tell me before now?

There's a time and place for everything, little one. Even I don't necessarily know when it's right to reveal these things. I'm surprised they're allowing me to tell you now, but we'll all know more in time.
I think I'll report that all is well on this front. Finally. It's been a damned hard road. I nearly lost my own mind more than once along the way.

Thank you for saying that.

Tae, I'm going to be hosting a small dinner party in about a month. Apparently, the servants would like to put on an event. As I'm not circulating with the same crowd these days, do you think we could manage to get a handful of friends together? It will all be earthly, so I know there's less to attract the others.

How many is small?

Let's say under 20.

Leave it to me. I can already think of several people who would like to see you again. Enjoy your rain, Hye-ryung-a.

Tae disappears and the rain starts back up. HR squeals with delight again.

Should we go under the gazebo?

Gwi takes HR by the hand and they run for shelter. Both wipe off their clothes and shake off a bit once there.

I'm so relieved. I thought he might scold me or that he had stopped coming when I invoked him because he was angry. Do you think Tae and I will be friends someday?

Yes, I suspect you will.

My guardian though. I never imagined. I thought I was alone for so much of my life. Everything feels different to know now that I wasn't. Do you have a guardian too?

In the world of the gods, we're all somewhat dependent on each other for care and protection. But I also have someone who particularly watches out for me. I imagine you'll meet him at our party.

Good, I want to meet all of your friends. Can I go where you were too?

No, that world is for gods only. But we'll see how frequently we can get them to visit us. It will be nice for you to finally have some good outside company.

What a relief to have so much to look forward to. I will have to study harder so that I will have more to say if there's a chance. And Kim Mi-sook will be thrilled. She'll have another reason to go shopping for me. It has become something of a hobby for her.

It's good to see you happy again.

Stay. Just stay with me and I'll be happy every day if that's what you want.

I'll hold you to that.


HR runs out of the gazebo and twirls in the downpour.

Your Majesty! Come out and enjoy the rain.

Gwi smiles and leaves the gazebo. HR runs away from Gwi as he approaches, laughing.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora