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Gwi and HR stand in the throne room, dressed for the dinner party. Gwi holds HR's hand behind his back with both of his, looks down at her.

Kim Mi-sook certainly knows how to choose just the right thing, doesn't she? I'm tempted to cancel our plans and have you all to myself for the evening.

HR being slightly nervous, doesn't play along but gives him a small smile.

Are you worried about sitting through this dinner? So long as you have low expectations, it should be fine. It's not going to be pleasant at all. The girls will be particularly spiteful after being rebuffed. Other than that, I suspect it will be dull as usual.

I think I am ready. It would be worse to be alone imagining you with them.

HR ashamed to admit this, as she knows well how painful it is.

Chin up, my dear. They'll spread enough gossip about you after tonight that it will give all the others pause whenever they visit. You may have to put up with me fondling you throughout the evening to get the point across. Do you think you can handle that?

HR hadn't considered this, now worried that he might kiss her in front of the group.

(hurriedly, whispers)
Don't worry. I won't embarrass you.

The guests enter – two women and one man, all of whom had been at the great feast. HR did not interact with them, but they had been some of the people Gwi had greeted when making the rounds.

(to the group)
Hello all, welcome.

Gwi greets the man first. Eun-ji comes forward to kiss Gwi as normal, but he puts his arm around HR and looks down at her.

Thank you, Eun-ji, as always, but my interests currently lie elsewhere.

Eun-ji and woman 2 both surprised as no one's ever known Gwi to limit his options. The chance of spending the night with Gwi is also the primary reason for their attendance at these gatherings. Eun-ji tries to cover her small humiliation.

Well, I can see why.
(to HR)
I remember you from the last time we visited. You had on the most stunning dress.

Oh yes, I was filled with envy. What an incredible night that was.

I have rather fond memories of that night myself.
(pinches woman 2 softly in the waist)

(laughing, pushes his hand away)
We're here for dinner tonight, nothing more.


(pouting at Gwi)
Yes, too bad.

Shall we eat then?

The group goes to the table. Gwi at head, HR to left of him, women sit opposite and man opposite of HR. Gwi shifts/leans left to be closer to HR and begins eating. Normal dinner party atmosphere. Gwi calls for three musicians. Guests dance and sing from time to time. The women both drink more than usual and are frustrated that their fun for the evening has been spoilt by HR.

Woman 2, sitting next to Gwi, grabs his hand, drunk enough to throw herself at him despite the embarrassment.

Gwi, are you sure you don't want more company? We had such a good time together before. I'm not jealous. I can share you.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now