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Gwi and Tae wrapping up their conversation about Tae's role in all of this.

In any case, you know how these things go. Ultimately, it was down to you and our little Hye-rung. I just helped things along here and there.

(breathes deeply, taking all of it in)
If you are in such support of us, then how do I get out of here?

Out of the maze? We're already out of the maze.

Gwi looks around. He and Tae are now standing in a room full of parchments and books. SJ sits writing at a table.

I'm sure you'll both have a marvellous time catching up. See you soon, brother.

Tae disappears. Gwi stands in front of SJ as she writes at her table.

(charming and playful)
Soo-ji-ya. Wonderful to see you again. I see that nothing has changed here. I trust that you've been keeping the kingdom in order.

(serious, not looking up)
Gwi, it's nice to see you at last.

What is it that has to be done before I can go back then? I'm rather in a rush.

Well, I need to finish this report first. And then the higher-ups want to meet with you.

How much time has passed at my palace since I've been here?

Around six months.

Six- Six months?! How can you delay me so long? Are they planning to reset the time and send me back earlier?

No. There is still some time to go before you return.

How much?

I am not at liberty to say.

This is ridiculous. You can call me back when you finish your report. I don't need to stand here waiting, dragging out the time, while you're simply filling in paperwork. I am not going to leave her alone for nothing.

Gwi goes to the door to leave but a force knocks him back. He crashes into some furniture and gets a small cut on his face in the process.

You cannot leave Gwi. Providence is blocking you, not me. You know better than anyone, there's no use fighting against it.

Let me see her then. Let me at least see how she's doing.

I don't think you want-

Show me!

SJ reluctantly looks at a wall which opens up to show parts of HR and Tae's last conversation. SJ goes back to her work but starts watching at some point in the middle. In Tae's silent pauses:

Isn't she splendid?

She should not talk to a demi-god that way.

You can't hold that against her. That is my fault, not hers.

The vision stops on HR's despair and trauma after being left again. Gwi snaps. Gong noise begins as speech and other sounds are drowned out/muffled.

I'm not staying. You can't keep me here.

Gwi goes for the door and is knocked back again, gets up and goes back.

Please, Gwi, you'll never win. You'll only hurt yourself!

Gwi continues throwing himself at the door.

(to the air)
Tae, Father, please come. I can't control Gwi.

Gwi latches onto the door fighting the force as best he can until his wrist is sprained and he is kicked back into the opposite wall. Tae and Hyeon arrive and do their best to both hold him back, both yelling at him to calm down and stop.

Stop, stop, Gwi! You can't leave no matter how hard you try.
(after trying to pass his hand over some of Gwi's wounds on his hand and face)
I can't even heal this. Why do you always insist on fighting them so? You know that it's futile.

How can you say that to me? How dare you say that to me when you've seen her this whole time? This is nothing. I would do so much more for her. Let me go back to her.

Gwi listen, the only way we can speed this up is to get you to the gods more quickly. But they are not going to speed it up for her in any case. Her time apart from you will have already been set.

It is bad enough to be punished mercilessly by them, but I have borne that. Should I also sit back and watch someone I love suffer? Would you? What gives them the right to make her afraid and lonely?

 Should I also sit back and watch someone I love suffer? Would you? What gives them the right to make her afraid and lonely?

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Gwi, how can you spout such nonsense? You'll never get out of here looking at things like a human. You know they are not making her afraid or lonely. She is already those things on her own. This time apart from you is only exposing her fear of the unknown.

Maybe I've been around evil for too long. Hyeon, take me to the gods. I cannot sit here and do nothing. I won't.

Soo-ji-ya, finish your report as quickly as possible.
(to the air)
On behalf of Gwi, I request an earlier audience with the gods on grounds of mercy.

Gwi and Hyeon disappear. Tae breathes a massive sigh. SJ looks around at her destroyed room.

I will send a few workers to clear this mess immediately. Do you need help with your report?

No, only a barrier to prevent distractions.

Tae puts a transparent barrier around SJ's table. She steps through it, sits down, and starts writing furiously.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now