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MS walks down corridor towards HR's room. Arrives at the door and calls out.

Your Majesty?

Come in.


MS enters. Gwi and HR stand near dresser, looking through some of the drawings HR has done in the past year. Gwi says quietly to HR.

Goddess, give me a moment with Kim Mi-Sook.

HR becomes afraid and clings to the arm of his robe, looking up at him, desperate. Gwi puts one hand on her neck and leans down closer to whisper to her.

I know you're afraid to leave me, but you know we can't be together every second. Don't be afraid. You can stand just outside the door. We'll only be a few minutes.

Knowing Gwi is right, HR reluctantly goes to the door. MS smiles at her, wanting to encourage her.

Don't fear, miss. He's here! Really and truly. Just like we prayed.

HR still troubled, closes the door while watching Gwi. Stands outside, just to the side of the door. Gwi turns to MS, leaning on a piece of furniture while they talk.

The steward will give me the full report on the palace and servants but do you have anything specifically you want to raise? How has everyone been treating her?

Oh, Your Highness, she couldn't be more loved. She has become something like a queen here in the past year. Not that she was looking for that or trying to make it happen, but everyone sees her as an extension of yourself. And we've all felt convinced from the start that you'd return. Even the new staff are falling all over themselves to serve her. And with the way she's been...
(eyes tear up)
Everyone just loves her so dearly. We've all wanted nothing more than to see her happy again.

And how has she been? I can see for myself, but tell me the worst of it.

The very worst, sire, was a couple of months ago. She suddenly took it into her head that maybe if she died, she would go into the afterlife and you might be there.
(cries silently)

Gwi controlled but visibly upset. Sighs.


(small smile, wiping tears)
Well, she's so innocent, thank the gods, that she asked me about it. She wasn't trying to hide anything. Of course, I tried to tell her that it was a ridiculous and dangerous idea, that it was much more likely that killing herself would separate you both forever. But for about a week she was considering it. I took everything sharp out of her room and all of the servants were doing their best to watch her and encourage her. Another maid and I took shifts staying awake outside of her room at night. Fortunately, after a week she discovered us outside her door and told me that she had decided I was right. She wasn't willing to take any risk that might separate you forever.

Thank you, Kim Mi-sook. I'm sure it's true to say that we owe her life to you, and not just because of this one incident, even from myself...
(stops MS from protesting)
I would give you your freedom and everything you could need to live the rest of your life comfortably this instant, but I wouldn't split the two of you up for anything. If you're ever ready to go back into the world though, I won't hold you. Just tell me.

Thank you, sire. That is overly generous. I want nothing more than to stay close to her and serve her as long as she'll have me.

Yes, I thought you would say that.
(looking around the room)
I suspect we are going to need to move her closer to me, so gather some servants and have everything transferred to the room adjoining mine. I worry that we're going to have a hard time getting her through the night alone. You may as well move your quarters closer as well and any servants you may need. Do as you see fit with the room arrangements while we try to calm her fears.

Yes, Your Majesty.

I don't foresee any comments about impropriety, but if anyone says a word against her-

I'd strike them myself and more without a second thought.
(lowers head, mortified)
I'm sorry, sire. I didn't mean to interrupt you.

No, I'm glad to hear it. I'll also update Lee Seong, but I'm sure you'll have everything in hand even without his help.
(both smile)


Cut to HR in the hallway, leaning her forehead against the wooden frame in the wall, whispering, crying.

Please let him really be here. Please don't take him away again. Please don't let me wake up.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now