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Split scene showing parts from both banquets. A smaller banquet with half of the staff at table, but otherwise similar in look to last year's banquet. The atmosphere is bright and full of cheer and happiness rather than debauchery and depravity. The music swells and the crowd stands as HR enters with MS and Steward following. HR looking more resplendent than ever, being older now, more sure of herself, full of love, etc. MS has also spent a fortune on her look. HR stops at her seat as the music comes to a close.

I want to thank you all for coming up with such a splendid idea of marking our hope that His Majesty will return with a celebration. They have made it look like a dream, haven't they?
(many people smile)

I am certain that His Highness would be pleased with your hearts and your efforts. So let us spend an evening sharing in the bond of friendship, enjoying the food and entertainment that the others have prepared, and anticipating the day when our joy will be complete once again.

As HR finishes the first evening the entire crowd, all of whom are older than her, bow at the waist to her. The crowd remains in that position, leaving HR completely uncertain of what to do. She turns to MS and the steward for help, but they are also bowing to her.

Cut to the second evening with the younger servants who do the same but a young, excitable servant at the front bows to the ground and everyone not at the high table follows suit.

Back to the first evening. Eventually, the crowd straightens, many with happy tears in their eyes, including MS who whispers to HR.

You may sit now, miss.

After HR sits, the crowd sits. After HR begins eating, the festivities begin as the music starts back, everyone begins eating, etc. Flashes between the two evenings of people talking, laughing, everyone enjoying themselves. At one point, HR looks at the throne and tears up. MS notices and puts her hand over HR's. HR and MS look at each other and smile. HR takes a deep breath and regains her composure. HR moves around the tables to greet the servants.

WOMAN SERVANT – in her 30s
(waving to HR)
Ms Choi! Ms Choi! Please come sit with us.

The servants at the table shift to make room for HR to sit next to the WS, who changes her sitting position to kneeling. HR uncomfortable, tries to stop WS. WS looks to her friends around the table who give her encouraging nods. One adds 'Go on.'

You probably don't remember me, miss. I wasn't your main maid when you were younger, but I was one of the assistants at the time.

(smiling warmly)
Yes, of course I remember you. It wasn't that long ago.

(shaky breath)
I just wanted to say how very sorry I am, how very sorry we all are, for being so cold to you all those years. You were only a child when you came here. You must have felt so frightened and alone. At the time there were some rumours going around about why you were here. A few of us were scared that you would become a vampire. And, as you know, we were even told by some senior servants not to speak to you...anyway, it was all nonsense. When Kim Mi-sook took over, she scolded us all as we needed. And, of course, His Highness- well things changed then and for the better.

We are so happy that you came to us Ms. Choi. We think the world of you now. Life here has completely transformed for all of us because of you. Please accept our apology.

Of course I do. It wasn't your fault, after all. You were only doing what you were told. You have all been so kind to and supportive of me that I have completely forgotten how things were when I was younger. I hope that you are able to do the same.

Cheers of support and love from around the table.

I truly appreciate it. Shall we drink to celebrate together?

Glasses clink around the table.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now