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Relaxed atmosphere, party already started with 19 people in attendance. High long table with Gwi, and HR centre, Tae to Gwi's left, SJ to HR's right, Hyeon on right of SJ, and two others to left of Tae. Two long side tables joined to form a U shape with 6 people on each side. Musicians and dancers entertaining. A completely different atmosphere to the darker banquet, lighter, happier, room much brighter, stars can be seen through ceiling, servants and guests all having a grand time.

I'm so happy to have met you finally. You are absolutely all the talk with everyone here.

Me? What's there to say about me?

What's there to say? After all this time and all this hardship, you've brought our Gwi back to us.

HR isn't sure if she likes other people having ownership of Gwi.

Surely, you must see, if it weren't for you, none of this would ever have happened. You're rather famous among us. Everyone is jealous of Tae as your guardian. I've had to put through so many requests for similar charges. It's rather absurd. You don't get to choose who to serve, but they do try all the same.

Were you with Gwi when we were apart?

For a bit. He wasn't in a good way when I saw him. He was trying to fight against unbreakable laws. And losing.

Was he hurt?

Yes, of course he was. Hasn't anyone told you this yet?

He said he fought with Providence but no more than that.

That's just like him. I had to call Tae and father to stop him from permanently injuring himself because he was furious that the gods were preventing him from returning to you. Fortunately, they calmed him down and he was able to swiftly move on to his final hearing.

I'm quite envious of you. I wish someone loved me like that. Maybe someday. Not from this bunch though.
(looks over the room)
We've all known each other for too long.

Maybe you should find a man then.

Oh, I could never! Your case is the only exception I've ever personally seen. The gods aren't going to do that again anytime soon.

You should tell them they're wrong then. That's what I've been doing. It seems that most of the time I turn out to be the one who's wrong, but it is also somehow effective.

I'm not brave enough to do something like that.

I've never been very brave either. It just turns out that in some cases my wants are bigger than my fears. If you start by asking you may find it soon turns into arguing. But what am I talking about? You are a god and I am only a woman. You must know better than I do how to get what you want.

Demi-god. And that means I still have things to learn. If I pluck up enough courage to try, I will tell you all about it.
(smiles, looks around room)
Would you like to meet some of the other guests? If Gwi can bear for you to leave his side.

Yes, that would be lovely.
(turning to Gwi)
Your Majesty, Soo-Ji and I are going to move around and chat with the other guests some.

Don't leave me for too long or I'll get jealous.

(smiles while getting up)
I think I might enjoy that.

HR and SJ get up and walk to the side table. Hyeon moves next to Gwi to speak with the brothers.

How does it feel being a demi-god again? Have they been overloading you with charges since you're fresh and ready to work?

Not at all. I haven't received any yet. I'm enjoying the free time – and the company – as long as it lasts.

About damn time.

Here, here.

The three clink glasses.

(to Gwi)
Have you told Tae yet what you so foolishly said to the council?

It wasn't foolish and I haven't. I hadn't thought of it.

Wasn't fool- Tae.
(lowers his voice)
Gwi told the council that he would request to become a man if they tried to separate him from Choi Hye-ryung.

(slows his eating, looks at Gwi)
Is that right?

(the only one behaving normally)
They didn't seem unhappy at the suggestion.

Long, low thunder is heard. Guests hush instantly – knowing that this is caused by Tae – and look at the head table. Musicians stop after a moment, not knowing what's wrong. HR also baffled, looks at guests and Gwi. Gwi looks at HR and gives her a small, reassuring smile.

(laughing it off, to the guests)
Brotherly banter! How I've missed these two. A toast!
(raises his glass)
To Gwi and Tae, now that they have been reunited at long last, may they love, serve, and fight as well as ever. May they begin once again to make things interesting for us.

Cheers and drinks all around as people accept Hyeon wanting to smooth things over. Music begins again.

What was that all about?

Tae is upset about something. We'd better keep circulating until things look calmer.

We'll talk more about this later. I don't want to spoil the night for everyone else. But if you, after all this time, have thrown away your divinity as soon as it's been given back to you- Well that is you from the ground up, isn't it? Impulsive and short-sighted to the end.

Boys, please-

You're making Hyeon regret bringing it up. Let's not have any of that here, not tonight. We should move around and talk with the others.

The three get up and move around together. Guests moving around in general, chatting with each other, sometimes girls together, sometimes brothers, sometimes HR and Gwi – always affectionate when near each other. Towards the end of the feast, Gwi and HR back at the head table, the servants all come out and group up to sing a song of love and devotion to Gwi and HR.

We want to thank everyone for allowing us to serve you tonight. We hope it will be the first of many happy celebrations here. We'd especially like to thank His Majesty for returning to us and taking us into his care. Most of us came here in very dire circumstances, and we've been through some dark times, but that has all changed now and we are grateful. We'd like to sing a song for His Majesty and Ms Choi Hye-ryung.

Servants sing, bringing tears to HR's eyes, some of the servants tearing up as well. Everyone delighted at finish.

(in the midst of the applause)
What a brilliant evening. Choi Hye-ryung I am just having a marvellous time.

I'm so happy to hear that. I hope we do this frequently.
I will do my best to convince the god in charge.

(laughing, between the two of them like school girls)
Well, that won't be hard to do at all. He'll do anything you want, I'm sure of it.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now