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HR alone sits on the steps of the throne room, looking up at Gwi's throne, in something of a daze but not overcome with sorrow. Steward hopeful and MS pleased enter. Steward bows to HR which is mildly baffling to HR.

Ms Choi, the servants would like your permission to hold a banquet in honour of His Majesty's promise to return. We'd like some sort of occasion to mark our hope in his words. We think it will lift everyone's spirits and give us all something to look forward to, as well as keep up our practice with organising and holding such an event.

That sounds like a lovely thought, Lee Seong, but why are you asking me?

We all feel that with His Majesty currently gone that you ought to be the one who has the final say on matters such as these. We'd very much like to look to you for guidance in what our master would be pleased with.

But- I'm not at all- surely you all know him better.

No one here knows or loves him as you do, miss. But it's not just your permission we'd like.

That's right. We'd like to ask you to host the event. Actually, we'll have two separate dinners, as we'll need half of the staff to serve and perform each night. But if you'd be willing to host the first dinner as that will be the older servants – they would all like to pay their respects to you in some formal way. Of course, the younger ones feel the same, but we appreciate that you may only want to attend one feast.

Host the dinner? How could I do that? I wouldn't even know what to do.

Oh, there's nothing to do, my lady. You simply sit at the head table as always and open the banquet with a few words. Nothing more is required.
Please say yes. Everyone is so hopeful you will.

Well, I certainly can't let them all down if they're so looking forward to celebrating. Kim Mi-sook, will you help me?

Yes, of course, miss. Lee Seong and I will sit on your left and right respectively.

May I decide about whether to attend the second banquet closer to the time?

Yes, of course, Ms Choi. The younger servants are so zealous they would be overjoyed if you could. We will keep it a secret that you are considering it.

(eyes twinkling)
Just in case though, I'll need to have two outfits prepared.

HR laughs.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now