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HR kneels with flowers in her lap and sings the lines to invoke Tae, crushed. She picks at the petals, slowly tearing the flowers apart, almost gently. Sings the lines again and again. Looks around from time to time. Continues singing. Tae does not appear. After several minutes of trying HR speaks to the air, cries off and on.

I thought you had to come if I called. Maybe I pushed you too far when I lost my temper. Maybe the gods have cut me off. Does this mean he'll never come back? I would say I'm sorry and beg forgiveness but he always told me to be sincere. Was it wrong to be angry? Should I have pretended to accept your decisions? If you tell me what to do, I'll do it. Only bring him back to me.

If he's a demi-god again, can't I invoke him? If you would just tell me how, I could do it. Why do we have to be apart? I don't understand at all why I'm here. I should be with him, wherever he is. Why didn't you take me too? Can't you take me too? Will he really come back to me?

I don't sleep like I should. I don't eat like I should. I try to stay occupied. I try to develop myself. But the eternal night comes, it continually comes. And there's nothing there but pain, suffocating pain and loneliness. I see him, I hear him, I touch him, but then he's taken from me again, just as quickly as before. And yet I don't die. I keep on living, cycling through, trying to go on and shattering to pieces. Again. And again. And again.


Silent other than the sounds of nature. The sunny morning and the birds singing are in complete contrast to HR's despair.

I wish you would have come. Just seeing someone who can see him is a comfort, even if you can't help us.

Tae sits in a tree on the edge of the meadow, watching over HR, deeply saddened.

She doesn't need me. She needs Gwi. How much longer will they stretch this out?

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now