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Steward stands on the steps in the throne room facing the crowd of servants, some worry on faces but everyone is quiet, waiting.

I know there has been some concern with our master absent for the foreseeable future. Where shall we go? What shall we do? How shall we live? Might we be attacked? I know you have all been asking these questions, even if just to yourselves. But I'm very happy to report that the king has sent a messenger this very hour to relay his intentions of keeping up the palace.

Relief and gladness ripple through the crowd.

He is convinced that His Majesty will return and, therefore, will be funding the running and maintenance of the palace while our master is away. We are all charged, under penalty of death, to continue our roles here and go about our duties as if nothing had changed, though we are, of course, not obliged to receive any visitors at this time. Naturally, the king will deny any involvement should anyone try to charge him and we are all compelled to remain silent on this matter. No one here will mention it again after this meeting. As always, our instructions are very simple. We have merely to follow them and we can live happily.

Cheerfulness erupts in pockets among the group.

You are all dismissed now. We will take the rest of the day to rest, celebrate, and pray for the king's good health.
(aside to an older servant near him)
I have always been grateful that the king has a healthy fear of His Highness, but never more than now.
(both smile)

I couldn't agree more.


HR sits at her table staring into space. MS enters with dinner.

My lady, we've just had news. We're all to stay here and go on as normal. The king is going to keep the palace running until His Majesty returns. It's all entirely secretive, but isn't that wonderful?

(coming out of her thoughts)
Oh, really? Yes, that's a relief. We will not be penniless and homeless.
(small smile)

MS places the tray on HR's table.

I'm not very hungry these days Kim Mi-sook. I find it difficult to eat.

You must think of His Highness returning.
(places food in front of HR bowl by bowl)
When he comes back, he will want to see that you have kept healthy and continued your studies.

You are right. I know you're right. How long's it been now?

It is around a month since we last saw him.

We can think of ways to keep you occupied productively, miss. Why don't you work on some projects for him? You could write him letters. You've embroidered and drawn for him before, haven't you? Just think how happy he'll be to receive things like that when he returns.

Or you could make lists of what you're studying so that you can tell him what you've learned.

(feeling a little bit hopeful)
Yes, I should try all of that. Maybe you can teach me some new songs too.

Oh yes, miss, that is a wonderful idea. His Majesty loves your voice.

Did he say that? He never told me.

MS smiles, takes HR's free hand.

Let's do our best to keep our spirits high. The master would overturn hell itself to get back to you if he had to. I know he will do everything in his power; we should do no less.

Thank you, Kim Mi-sook. I'd be utterly lost without you.

Eat up, my dear. You need energy for all your projects and plans.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now