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HR stands looking at the shelves, leafing through a booklet. Gwi enters. HR looks up and is so nervous she drops the booklet. She faffs around picking it up and putting it back on the shelf.

Your Majesty.
(tries to smile)
I haven't seen you in a while. Is everything all right?

(serious, wanting to get it over with)
No, I'm afraid it's not. Sit down for a moment.
(gestures to the table)

Dread comes over HR, fear that her happiness is over so soon. They sit opposite each other. Unable to hide her emotions, HR looks terrified of what Gwi might say.

There's no good way to say bad news so I will tell you plainly. There was an assassination attempt recently on your father's life – as well as some others. Your father survived but your mother did not. She was cremated here and the steward has found a good place for her ashes.

(not at all what she was expecting)
Oh. She's dead.
Sire, shouldn't I feel sad? Or shocked? Or something like that? I don't think I do.

You can't force yourself to feel any certain way. There's no point in trying.

It's been so long since I've seen her. I can't even really remember what she looked like. I was sad when we were first separated. She'd never dare to go against father so I felt I had lost her completely when he brought me here. I hope she's happy now, if that's possible. At least she's free- But how did my father survive if they were meaning to kill him?

He hid in a cabinet.

While my mother was killed?


You know, somehow that doesn't make me quite so angry as knowing that he's laughing about it even now. I know that he's thrilled to be free of her. He's probably looking for some advantageous new marriage already.

Yes, you're right actually. Though many people are too afraid to hand their daughters over to him. I'm sure someone out there will be foolish enough or wickedly ambitious enough to take up his offer.

If you'd like to see where your mother's been placed, the steward can take you and Kim Mi-sook whenever he's available.

Thank you, sire. I will do that. Thank you for taking care of her. I'm sorry I was no help.

Anyway, that's what I had to tell you.

(some relief)
Is that all? Well, thank you for telling me. It's never easy to give bad news.

All? Were you expecting more?

No, I just didn't know what you might say.

(looks at her more closely now, considers her behaviour for the first time since he came in)
Hye-ryung-a, come here.
(turns to the side, tapping the floor next to him)

HR moves around the table and kneels down in front of him, head lowered. This has made her nervous again.

What is it that you're so afraid of?

(clasps hands tightly together in her skirts, quietly)
So many things.

Tell me some of them.

I was worried that you might have left the palace for a few days. I was worried that something might have happened. It's been a while since you've been injured but it does happen.
(glances up at him from time to time, then quickly back down, quieter now, near tears)

I thought maybe you were entertaining women. I thought maybe you were avoiding me. I thought maybe you regretted-
(stops herself)

(not wanting her to suffer more, leans forward)
Hye-ryung-a, look at me. None of those things are true. I killed some assassins – who were probably good men – and I've been handling the cremation of your mother. Maybe I've been avoiding you a bit because I wanted to have her resting place in order before giving you the news. But there is simply nothing more than that.

(wishing he would also explicitly reassure her on the other women and regret points but too embarrassed to ask, nods)
Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you.

(leans in closer to her ear, whispers)
Goddess, no one else is here. Surely you can call me Gwi now? Hmm?
(kisses near her ear)

(finally smiles, feeling some relief at his affection)
Thank you, Gwi.

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