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Gwi and HR eating small meal together, opposite sides of small table.

Is there a reason you want to eat in here and not the throne room?

I'm having the men open the ceiling so that we can have as much light as possible now, starting with the throne room. It will be out of use for a bit.

Already? When did you get back?

Just before you found me. I ran into Lee Seong and gave him some instructions as I was coming in. I was just coming to look for you when I saw your stack of letters on my table.
They distracted me momentarily.

MS enters quietly, beaming with relief and happiness.

I'm ever so sorry to interrupt you, master. But I just wanted to quickly drop in and say how grateful and happy I am that you've returned to us. All the servants are humming with delight.

It is lovely to see you as well, Kim Mi-sook. I'm sure you have been taking good care of our little one here.

(small smile, sadness and love mixed)
Yes, sire. As from the very start, it's nothing but a joy to serve her.

Visit me later today. I want to speak with you privately.

Yes, of course, Your Highness. Enjoy your meal and do call if you need anything at all. I'll be just outside.

Throughout this conversation HR hasn't taken her eyes off of Gwi. At some point her eyes blurred over with tears and she now cries silently looking at him. Gwi notices HR crying and puts his chopsticks to the side. He reaches his hand out to hold hers.

What's wrong?

(looks at his hand, plays with his fingers while wiping face with other hand, quietly)
I can't believe you're really here. Just like that. Everything's suddenly the way it should be, as if you were never gone at all. And yet- it's a shock to see you. You've changed somehow. You seem brighter now in some way. That makes me feel that we really have been separated. I don't like you changing without me.
(looks up, whispers)
I haven't been well without you, Gwi.

(small smile, presses her hand)
I know, my dear. It's been a dark year, but you are through it now. It's time to celebrate.

Yes, you are right. We should do all sorts of special things now. I will have so much to think about and plan.

Gwi is somewhat relieved to see HR coming back a bit to herself. They continue eating.

How have things been around the palace during my absence? Everything seems to have stayed mostly the same.

Yes, well much to everyone's surprise, in the chaos after my father's demise, your disappearance and things spinning out of control in the court as a result, the king decided to take charge. He seemed – or at least said he was – convinced that you would return. So he's been secretly funding the upkeep of everything and charged everyone here, on point of death actually, to stay and maintain the place. We were all so relieved. Most of us had nowhere else to go and didn't want to leave.

Yes, I believe that was all my brother's doing.

Tae? How? When? Why?

The king had a rather portentous dream just before he made that decision in which my brother directed him to do all those things. He didn't want to see the palace and the staff breaking up in my absence.

(hanging her head)
I said some awful things to him, again.

I know.

You do? How do you know?

The gods allowed me to see how you were doing a few times, probably just to make me angry. But that was a moment I was quite happy to see. You were magnificent.

I'm so ashamed. I will have to apologise to him if I ever see him again. Has he done other things like that? Is there more that I don't know about?

So much more. Maybe he will tell you about it someday.

Getting near to the end of their small meal.

Shall we go for a walk? We've never been for a walk during the day before.

Oh yes, that would be wonderful.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now