Chapter 26. I Found You P2

Start from the beginning

He looks so uncomfortable and feverish. Crescent doesn't even know how to help, but maybe he could ask.

"Are you ok--"

"Weren't you warned about me?" Kisha cuts him off like a hot knife slicing through butter. Not a glance, but Kisha's large hand draws the cup up to his lips. A gulp before releasing a heavy breath. The satisfied cold Kisha could feel going down his chest. Kisha's voice is low and crackly, but it's filled with an unwelcoming tone. Exhausted.

Use to Kisha's attitude-filled words, Crescent rolls his golden eyes. He's come to help, dammit! Why is he so cold now?! He wasn't cold when he was trying to molest him in the forest! He wasn't cold on the bus and he wasn't cold just a moment ago when he was--

Crescent shakes his head, killing his thoughts before taking in a deep frustrated breath. Keep calm. He's quick to shun away Kisha's predicament for his own selfish feelings and though he wouldn't mind doing that right now, what would it solve? Crescent decides on a different approach. It would be easier to pay a punch, but he doesn't know the consequences of his actions.

Crescent holds strong, swallowing his pride.

"I... just wanted you to know... You're secret is safe with me. I mean... and whoever else." Crescent tried to sound small, cute, and welcoming. He expected Kisha to take the bait.

"I'm not worried about that, Crescent." Cock back, bullet fired number two. Kisha's voice hits him again like a rifle shooting a deer and he's drained of the little self-composure he's had. Crescent balls up his fists, biting down on his jaw.

Asshole, Kisha... Kisha the asshole... 

The itch to say something foul swells within Crescent's mind. He curses in his head before a sudden fake, soft smile peer from his lips. Ignore it. Ignore it. He chants.

"Why didn't you at least tell me?" Words come out in fake calmness. "I thought all this time I had been driving a wedge between us. I questioned myself so many times."

Kisha shifted a bit before he swallowed another gulp of water, taking an ice cube with him. His tongue came to lightly lick at his bottom lip. Opening his eyes slowly, they drifted towards Crescent before without blinking, fell into his tentative gaze. Crescent smelled very pleasing without having any knowledge of it. The fan was carrying the smell directly into Kisha's senses. Was he at some point turned on recently? He reeked of unfinished sexual arousal.

Kisha's look was unfamiliar. Something Crescent has never seen before. The small twinkle of animal that often sat behind that hungry gaze now had shown him a frigid wasteland bare of emotion, thought and patience. Kisha wanted something Crescent feared he couldn't satisfy; those eyes told a terrifying story.

Saikai called him a coin. On one side there was Diamond and on the next Kisha. Though not as intense as Diamond's stare which seemed convincing and downright fear-driven, Crescent couldn't accept it from Kisha. Why? Why couldn't Crescent judge him? A wolf nearly took his life for Christ's sake!

Crescent sighed, one hand coming from his pocket. Because a human had been staring back at him?

Digits outstretched, he first applied fingertip pressure against Kisha's cheek before he lightly touched him with his palm.

Kisha's skin was scorching and Crescent wanted to pull back but the pull to get closer kept him still. Was Kisha overheating? This would explain the temperature, the fan, and the water, but maybe he needed a doctor's intervention. Reaching temperatures of 100 and above was dangerous for the organs.

Kisha leans into his hand all of a sudden, eyes fluttering shut as a deep satisfactory sigh barrels from his lips. He welcomed the touch so lovingly and Crescent ceased to give reason.

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