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we woke up today and got dressed for breakfast. leah has planned lots of activities for us to do on this holiday and i don't know what she has planned. we walked to the breakfast hut and grabbed some food.

"so what's the dress code for today" i asked leah as i took a bite of my toast.
"bikini, flip flops, sunglasses" she replied.
"getting no hints am i?" i looked at her.
"nope" she shook her head and laughed.

after breakfast we went back to our room.
i put on a bikini and put one of leah's hoodies over it. i put my sunglasses on my head and stood by the door waiting for leah. she got ready and came beside me. she took my hand and kissed my cheek.

"lead the way" i said to her as i stepped out of the hut.

it was a 5 minute walk until we arrived.
"we're going jet skiing" leah said cheerfully.
"i've always wanted to do this" i said.

we put our hoodies and stuff in a locker and got a key to one of the jet skis. we put on the life jackets and went to the jet ski.

leah got on and i got on behind her. i wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. she drove off, speeding through the water.

the view was beautiful. the crystal blue water and the clear sky. the sun shining brightly. we stopped and leah turned off the engine.

"this is amazing" she said, placing her hands on my arms.
"it's so beautiful and relaxing" i said. she hummed in agreement. then she put her hair up into a messy bun.

she got up and jumped into the water.
"come on then" she said, gesturing for me to follow her. i jumped in after her and she swam towards me. she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my lips gently.

i wrapped my legs around her waist and kissed her again more passionately. she licked over my lips and i let her enter my mouth. she put her hands at my head deepening the kiss and i let out a moan.

we stayed in the water for a while longer, swimming and splashing each other.

we got back on the jet ski and leah drove us back. we got out things from the locker and went back to our hut. by then we had dried off so we got ready to go to the beach. i packed towels, suncream, some water and a ball.

we walked to the beach and sat on the sand on our towels. i lay down and put my hands over my eyes. i felt something wet spray at my stomach so i looked to see what it was.
"what are you doing" i laughed at leah.
"suncream. don't want my lovely wife to burn" she said with a smile.
"your such a cutie" i said to her. i let her run it into my skin and when she was done i took the bottle from her.
"your turn" i said.

i rubbed the cream at her shoulders, her back and her neck. she did her own arms and legs. then i rubbed the cream on her cheeks.
"ew" she said.
"what. sunburn is not a nice thing" i said and continued to rub it on her face.

we lay on the beach for a few hours and then leah got up and got the ball out of the bag.

she started doing kick ups and i filmed her and posted it on my instagram story with the caption 'she never stops'
some kids came up to her and asked to join in with her. she looked over at me, asking if it was okay and i nodded.

she played with the kids, they couldn't be any older than 10. they passed the ball to each other and did some tricks and skills. i watched in awe of how good leah is with kids.
the youngest of them, probably around 5, stood on a broken shell and fell to the floor.
"hey are you okay? what happened?" leah said as she crouched beside him.
"i stepped on something and hurt my foot" the boy cried.
"give me one minute" leah said and she came over to me.

"baby his foot is bleeding. do you know where i can get some plasters or bandages or something" she said, panic in her voice.
"leah calm down. you can probably get something from there" i said while pointing at the life guard cabin.
she ran over there and came back with some bandages. she grabbed a bottle of water and sat beside the kid.

"this might sting a little bit" she said while opening the bottle. she poured some water on his foot to clean off the sand. then she wrapped the bandage around his foot and helped him up. the cut was bigger than i thought.
"where are your parents?" she asked to all 3 kids. they looked around and pointed to somewhere in the distance.
"e im going to take them to their parent i'll be right back okay?" she called.
"alright" i called back.

she dropped the kids off and came back to me. i had the biggest smile on my face and couldn't get rid of it.
"why are you so smiley" leah asked, poking my side.
"you. your so good with children. it's making me want to have kids with you" i said. she looked at me in shock.
"not now obviously. but soon. in the near future." i said quickly.
"i want to have kids with you too." leah said. i smiled and she kissed my forehead.

we packed up our things and went back to our hut. i got in the shower and leah got in with me.
"no touching. we need to shower and go to dinner" i said to leah.

we both washed ourselves and then got out. we got dressed and then went to dinner.

"so what's going to be your new food today?" i said while wiggling my eyebrows.
"i forgot about that" leah groaned.
"how about sushi?" i asked as i walked over to the sushi.

we walked through the buffet and picked up some food, leah whined like a child as i offered her food that i knew she probably wouldn't want and then we went to a table. leah's plate looked so plain apart from the sushi. if it was up to her, she would only eat pizza, chips and chicken nuggets.

"i don't like sushi" she said while picking up a chip.
"have you even ever tried it?" i asked with a raised eyebrow. she went silent.
"i'll take your silence as a no then" i laughed.

"open" i said while picking her sushi off her plate. she opened her mouth a tiny bit.
"wider" i tutted.
"what are you? my dentist" she joked. i rolled my eyes and put the sushi in her mouth.

"not so bad is it?" i questioned as she swallowed it.
"no" she said quietly.
"sorry, didn't hear that" i teased, putting my hand behind my ear.
"no it wasn't that bad" she sighed.
"right you can eat the rest then" i gestured to the rest on her plate.

we both finished eating and then went to our hut. we watched a movie and then got ready for bed.

i rested my head on leah's chest and traced over her abs as she stroked through my hair.
"you're the best thing that's ever happened to me le" i said.
"and you're the best thing that's happened to me princess" leah said back.
"i love you" she said
"i love you more" i said into her chest.
"i love you most" she said. i looked up at her.
"is that a tangled reference" i said with shock.
"of course" she laughed.
"my girl loves tangled so i do too" she said.

"i love you so fucking much" i said with excitement and a huge smile.
"me too" she laughed.

we fell asleep wrapped up together.

falling for the england captainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon