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today is the game against united at the emirates. we made our way there. 

i sat with miley and the other physios while the girls were in the changing rooms.

the game began shortly. at halftime the score was 1-1. the girls came out again and continued the game. united took lead of the game soon after kickoff. in around the 70th minute, arsenal equalised to make it 2-2

i few minutes later i stood up to grab a water bottle. i felt a ball crash into the side of my head. my eyes went blurry and i fell to the ground. 

i wasn't unconscious. i could see outlines of lots of people surrounding me. i felt leah put a hand at my shoulder. 

"ella. are you okay" she said panicking. 

leah left my side and i could hear her shouting at someone. i didn't know who kicked the ball but i'm sure it was an accident. 

"what the fuck was that for. the ref already blew the whistle. there was no need to kick the ball away." leah said while pushing her shoulder. 

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean for it to hit her. she's alright" the person said, pushing leah back. 

"well it did. now look at her. she doesn't look fucking alright" leah said loudly. 

the ref went over to break things up between them. she gave both girls a yellow card. 

it was leah's second as she already got one earlier in the game. 

"ME? what for" leah questioned. 

"fighting with another player, pushing her" the ref said. 

"she's the one who's knocked someone out" leah argued.

"leave the pitch" the ref said. 

"oh my god" leah groaned and walked off. she came to me and i got taken into the medical room so that they could check my head.

"can i come in" leah asked. 

"yeah" the doctor said. 

i got some checks and a scan done on my head. there was no internal bleeding or anything too bad. i had a mild concussion. 

after the game finished, leah left the room and went to thank the fans. 

she came back and we left. 

as we were going to the car lots of fans stood outside for autographs and pictures. 

"are you okay if i do this, or should we just go?" leah said. 

"i'll wait in the car. you do this." i said. i took the key and went to the car as leah took pictures with fans and signed their stuff.

"i'm sorry that took so long" she said. 

"don't be. it's fine." i said. 

she drove us home and leah made me lay on the sofa. 

she got changed and came to the sofa asking if i needed anything.

"i'm okay leah" i spoke. i feel fine now. my head hurts from where the ball hit me but other than that i feel fine. 

she lay on top of me, resting her head on my chest and wrapping her arms around my back. 

i ran my fingers through her hair. 

the door knocked, leah went to open it. 

"hi girls" leah said and let beth and viv in. it's nice how they always come and check in with us regularly. 

"hi ella" they both say as they see me laying down. 

"hi girls" i said as i tried to sit up. 

"no el. you need to rest your head" leah said, pushing me back down to lay on the sofa. 

"leah i can fucking sit up you know" i laughed. 

"i know but i want you to rest" she said. 

"alright then" i said. leah sat on the sofa and put my legs on top of hers. 

we talked for a while. my head started hurting again so i went to get up. 

"where are you going" leah asked. 

"to get some paracetamol" i said. 

"stay here i'll get it" she said and got up to get the paracetamol and some water. 

"awh she's so caring" beth teased. 

"yeah. she hasn't even let me off the sofa since we've been home" i said, playfully rolling my eyes.

"i'm just trying to look after my wife" leah said, she must have heard the conversation from the kitchen. 

"thanks baby" i said and took the paracetamol and water. 

i went to get up again.

"now where are you going?" she asked. 

"just to the toilet. or are you going to do that for me aswell" i joked. 

"ha ha very funny" leah said. 

when i got back, i lay back down just to make leah happy. i put my head on her laps and my feet at the arm of the sofa. she ran her fingers through my hair. 

"you two are actually so cute" viv said. 

after a few hours, we all ate dinner and then beth and viv left. 

we got ready for bed. i lay down and waited for leah. she came to me and pulled up my tshirt. she put her hands at my stomach and spoke to the baby. 

"hi baby. i hope your okay in there. your mum got hurt today, but don't worry, mummy has been taking care of her. i love you" she said. she kissed my belly and came and lay beside me. 

it's so adorable when she does that. she does it every night. 

i had a massive smile on my face. 

"what" leah said.

"your cute when you talk to our baby" i said. she blushed slightly. 

i rested my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arm around her. she put her hand in my shirt and rested it on my stomach. she kissed my head and wrapped her other arm around me. 

"good night princess" she whispered.

"goodnight le" i said. 

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