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"you go home ella. i'll get beth to give me a lift" leah said. she is having a meeting with jonas and doesn't know how long it will take. she gave me her car keys. 

"don't mess my car up. not a scratch" she said sternly. 

"promise" i said. i kissed her lips and went to the car. 

i drove home and went to have a shower. 

once i came out, i saw leah sat on the floor with her head leaning against the wardrobe. she was sweating and hyperventilating. 

"leah what happened" i asked softly. i sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulder, bringing her into me. 

she kept gasping for breath and tears ran down her eyes. 

"i don't... know... wha.. what's happening... to me" she said between breaths.

i sat infront of her and pulled her head into my chest. 

"listen to my heart beat" i said. 

"copy my breathing" i said and breathed in and out slowly. 

we sat there for 10 minutes and her breathing had only slowed a tiny bit. 

"leah, let's count to 100" i said softly. 

"1" i said 

"2" she said after me. 

we counted all the way to 100 and back to 1

leah's breathing had slowed but her heart was still beating quite fast. i rubbed up and down her back softly. 

"leah what's got you like this" i asked calmly. 

"i don't know. probably a mixture of things. the match, you, our baby" she said quietly. 

"what do you mean" she asked. 

"dunno, i'm so scared for this baby to come, but i still want it here, i love it so much. i don't want you to get hurt, in the future, when you go on maternity, i won't be home to help you do stuff. what if something happens and i'm not here. and the match is stressing me out. i have this really bad feeling that something is going to happen." she spoke. 

"first of all, i'm nervous for this baby too. second, i'll be fine, if i need help i'll ring you or your mum. and for the match, if you want you could ask to sit out of this one" i spoke. leah shook her head at the last part. 

"i have to play in this, it's a big game, sell out at the emirates" she said. 

"okay but only if you feel completely fine to play" i said. she nodded. 

we stayed like this for a while and then got up. i made dinner for both of us and we ate it. 

"leah, i want to start recording my music" i said as i washed the dishes. 


"yeah i just need to get a decent camera and recording equipment" i said. 

we went upstairs to my music room. i picked up my guitar and tuned it. 

i played a few notes of one of my older songs. 

"can you teach me guitar?" leah asked. 

i gave her the guitar and adjusted her grip. i stood behind her, resting my chin on her shoulder. i showed her the chords and moved her fingers so that they were in the right place.

she tried to play what i showed her and messed it up. 

"no leah. it's like this" i sighed. i moved her finger to the right string. 

"i give up. piano is easier" leah said. i kissed her jaw and then put the guitar down. 

we sat at the piano together and i showed her the chorus of one of my songs. 

she started playing and then i joined in to play a duet. then she started messing up the notes. 

"you distracted me when you started playing" leah sulked. 

"don't be stroppy le. i wanted to play a duet. also you kept moving your fingers off the keys." i said. i moved her fingers to the right keys.

"keep them there, don't move them" i said. 

"your like a really hot music teacher" leah said and i laughed. 

we played it together and then her hands started moving to different keys. 

"leah what are you doing? i told you to keep your hands there" i said. 

"sorry sorry" she said. 

"here listen to this" i said. i started playing a different song and singing to it while leah listened. 

"that was beautiful. i'm so lucky that you are my wife" she said. 

i smiled and hugged her, wrapping my arms around her neck. 

"i actually think i'm the luckiest woman in the world" she spoke. 

"you arent because that would be me. how did i ever land such a precious person like you" i said. 

"i love you princess" 

"i love you more le" 

we went to our room and cuddled up together in bed. 

leah rested her head on my chest and i wrapped my arms around her. i ran my fingers through her hair and gave her lots of kisses on her head. 

"i love your hair. it's so soft" i said. she chuckled slightly.

"i've got loads of split ends. i need to cut my hair" i said. 

"let me cut it" she sat up excitedly. 

"i'm not too sure about that" i laughed. 

"please. please. i've cut beth's hair before" she said. 

"fine" i sighed.

we went downstairs and leah sat me on a kitchen stool. she got out the scissors and a water spray bottle.

"where do you want it to" she asked as she wet my hair. 

"you choose. just make sure it stays longer than my shoulders" i said. 

she started cutting my hair. i was a bit nervous. 

"all done" she said. she took a picture from the back and showed it me. 

i let out a breath of relief.

"you thought i would mess it up didnt you." she laughed. 

"maybe. but it looks better than i thought" i said. 

"you cheeky bitch. don't underestimate me" she laughed. 

i got up and cleaned my hair from the floor. then we went back upstairs to bed. 

"goodnight my love" i whispered into her. 

"good night princess" she said into my chest. i stroked through her hair until we fell asleep. 

falling for the england captainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon