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i woke up and it was still dark, so i leaned over and checked the time on my phone. it was 2:30 am. i closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't. i loosened myself from leah's grip making sure not to wake her and went downstairs to get a glass of water.

as i was coming upstairs i saw jacobs door open slightly, light spilling out from the crack and then a voice in whisper shouts.

"just shut the fuck up. you don't know what your talking about" jacob seemed angry. i made my way closer to his room, peering through the door trying to see what was making him so upset. i was about to walk away, not wanting to be snooping on his conversation until i heard something that made my head turn back.

"don't you dare talk about my sister like that"

i walked closer to the door pushing it open gently. jacob immediately turned to face me.
"everything alright j" i quietly said. he shook his head looking kind of ashamed. i walked over to him. he was playing fifa with someone and it seemed they were having an argument.

"what's going on" i asked curiously, confused why leah had been brought into their conversation.

"one of my mates is saying horrible stuff about leah, and like girls can't play football and girls shouldn't date other girls" he looked at me with sad eyes. i couldn't believe it. i held my hand out for the headset so i could say something to the kid on the other side. jacob passed it to me and i put it on.

"listen here kid, stop saying shit to jacob and sort your head out. what his sister does is non of your business. it's 2023 get your head out your arse and grow up. girls play football. girls can like other girls. girls can do whatever they want. if you don't like it keep it to yourself because it's people like you that are the problem." i said confidently.

"hah jacob needs a girl to fight for him. cant even stand up for himself. girls can't play football they're just shit, jacobs sister is no exception although she is pretty fit" he laughed down the mic

"leah could take you on any day, you little wanker. she would never get with someone like you, nasty little dickhead so i suggest you grow the fuck up" i was getting more annoyed. jacob gave me a look that said he was disgusted.

"alright, i'll make you a deal. you play one game against me. if i win i get leah's number, if you win i'll stop saying shit to jacob" the boy spoke across the microphone. i thought about it for a minute.

"alright. but i wouldn't be so cocky if i was you" i spoke. we loaded up a game and started playing. i played as liverpool and he played as chelsea.

he got a goal quite early in the game which caused me to panic a bit but i calmed down and came level after a few attempts at goal. the game ended with me winning 4-1. i was quite happy with myself for winning and i was also quite tired now.

"right now fuck off you little shit" i said before giving the controller and headphones back to jacob. he seemed very proud of me, like he saw me as a big sister. i stood up to leave and made my way towards the door.

"ella" jacob stopped me. he stood up and made his way towards me pulling me into a hug which made me smile. "thank you" he said letting go of me. "yeah it's no problem. let me know if he says anything again." i said trying to be quiet as the door was open. he nodded.

"listen, you should probably get some sleep, it's dead late. yeah?" he nodded again. "night mate" i said walking away towards leah's room.

i walked in and slipped into bed quietly, not waking leah. i cuddled into her wrapping my arms around her tangling our legs and putting my nose to her neck. sniffing in her scent. i was so in love with this woman. i would do anything for her. she is the one for me. she is the one i want to spend the rest of my life with. i soon fell asleep again.

falling for the england captainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz