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after sitting in the relax room for a while leah gets up and walks out. i'm playing against hempo in fifa and i'm winning 3-1. the game ends 4-2 and i give the controller to chloe. i hear my phone buzz and then eat up.

le<3: get ready for date night, not fancy or anything. i'll pick you up from your room in 30. love you xx

i went upstairs to get ready. she didn't say what we are doing or where we are going so i put on a tshirt and leggings. i put on some light makeup and put my hair up. i wore some sunglasses on my head and sat on the bed, waiting for leah.

exactly 30 minutes from the message leah knocks on the door. i open it, seeing her smiling with a single rose in her hand. she gives me the rose and kisses my forehead. i put the rose on my bed and walk out with leah, hand in hand.

"you look lovely" leah says.
"you always look stunning" i say to leah with a smile. it's true. leah can honestly pull off anything.

we walk through the streets of sydney. leah points out random things while we walk. we come across an icecream van and leah buys us both icecream.

leah leads me over to a ledge to sit on. it is overlooking the beach. we sit on the ledge and she puts one arm around me, pulling me closer to her. it's quite a long drop onto the sand.

i can see the sea stretch far. the sunset reflects its orange and pink colours onto the water.

"this is so beautiful le" i said.
"just like you" she said and kissed my temple. i giggle at her cuteness.

we sit there for a while and watch the sun set. i feel myself shiver. its cold in australia as it is winter here. i stupidly forgot to bring a jumper or jacket. leah felt me shiver and pulled off her own jumper and put it over me. her jumper is so big it felt like i was drowning in it. she pulled the hood on my head and kissed my cheek. she rubbed up and down my arms to warm me up more. i love her hoodies because they are big and comfy, and they smell like leah.

"we should probably head back" i say. leah nods and stands up. she puts her hand out and helps me up off the ledge. we walked back to camp, hand in hand and then leah walked me to my room.

"night baby" i said as i walked into my room.
"night princess. sleep well" she said. she kissed my lips and then went to her room.

a few days later. today is the first match. i go down to breakfast and sit with sammy, hempo and esme. i don't see leah during breakfast which was a bit weird but i assumed that she just had a meeting or something.

i got onto the bus and looked through the rows. to find an empty seat. i saw leah sat by herself, she had her headphones in with her eyes closed and her feet up on the seat next to her. she had an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"this seat taken" i asked. she shook her head and put her feet down. she gave me a slight smile and i sat down. i could sense something is wrong so i put her head on my shoulder and rubbed her arm.
"are you okay le. you look a bit uncomfortable" i asked softly.
"i'm on my period" she said back. i knew about leah's endometriosis and how shit it is at times.
"will you be okay to play today" i asked. i didn't want her to feel like she had to play if she was in pain. she just nodded.

we got to the stadium and i kissed leah before we got off the bus. i knew that once we did, leah would be in full game mode.
"if at any moment the pain feels too much, please come off" i said. she gave me a small smile and we got off the bus.

the girls walked out, leah leading the line. she had her sexy game face but she also looked like she was in some discomfort.

the game was going quite well but as it went on leah was struggling more and more. in the 70th minute, leah could barely move. she was clutching her stomach and kept bending over in pain.
she sat down on the floor, finally giving in. the ref stopped the game and went to check on leah. me and sammy went onto the pitch to check leah.

"are you okay" i ask as i kneel next to her.
"the pain is too much" she cried.
"do you want to come off" sammy asks. leah nodded.
"can you walk or do you want the stretcher" i ask. i already knew that leah wouldn't want the stretcher.
"walk" she said. i signal to sarina that leah needs to come off. she gets alex greenwood ready to take her place as centre back. me and sammy put our hands out and help leah up.

i hear her breathing heavily in pain as she walks off. sarina gives her a small hug. as she's walking to sit down, one of the coaches give her a waterbottle. she gets to her empty seat and launches the bottle at it. she sits down with her feet up on the seat and her head in her hands.

i go towards her and gesture for tooney to move to an empty seat so i can speak to leah. i sit and put my arm around her. she leans into me and cries into my shoulder.
"it just makes me so fucking angry. i had to come off because of the pain and there isn't anything that can stop this. it's not fair. why did it have to be me" she sobs. i rub her back and let her cry it out.
"i'm sorry" she snuffles while sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"don't be le. you have nothing to be sorry for" i say.

the girls win the game 1-0 and do a lap of the pitch.

when we get back leah goes straight to her room. i think she's a bit embarrassed about what happened. i don't hear from her so i just get ready for bed.
"you okay?" i messaged her but she didn't reply, so i assumed that she already fell asleep.

i chatted with sammy for a bit and then went to sleep.

leah's pov
i had a shower and got ready for bed. i climbed in and tossed and turned but i couldn't fall asleep. i grabbed my phone to message ella. i saw that she messaged me a couple of hours ago

me: i'm alright
me: are you still awake?
me: i can't sleep.

she didn't reply to any of the messages so i put my phone away and tried to sleep. i still couldn't so i got up and went to ella's room. i knocked but she didn't answer. i knocked again and the door opened slightly.

"are you okay leah" sammy spoke.
"yeah is ella there" i asked
"yeah but she's asleep." she replied.
"can i come in" i ask
"i don't know leah. she's sleeping and probably shouldn't be disturbed" sammy said.
"please. i promise i won't disturb her. i cant sleep" i said. she sighed and opened the door. i mouthed a thank you to her and slid into bed next to ella.

my head found her chest and she automatically put her hands at my back. i soon fell asleep.

A/N: hey everyone. i got my gcse results today and i got good passes on everything, so to celebrate there will be another chapter later tonight :)

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