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"morning princess" i was woken to leah kissing my lips. i open my eyes and see that it's quite late in the day. around 1pm.
"morning le." i mumbled into the sheets.
"do you know what today is" she said. i was falling back to sleep and couldn't really function. i just shook my head without really thinking about it.
"it's the concert today." she said. with that, my eyes darted open. i was quickly out of bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. i could hear leah laughing to herself as i left the room.
"someone's excited" leah said, wrapping her arms around my waist and placing gentle kisses on my neck.

leah led me downstairs, into the kitchen. on the table was two plates of waffles with fruit and squirty cream. i smiled when i saw this. she must have woken up early to make me breakfast.
"how long did it take you to make this" i joked.
"honest answer. too long." she kissed my cheek and we sat down. i looked at the kitchen counter and saw that it is a huge mess. there is ingredients everywhere and nothing has been cleaned or put away.
"honestly leah, i always say tidy up as you work. that way you don't have to do it afterwards." i tease her. she smiles sheepishly.

"that was really good" i say, when i finish my food. i'm actually impressed, since leah is definitely no expert in the kitchen. she gets up and takes both our plates to the sink. i get up to help her clean the mess that she made earlier.
she rubs her thumb along my bottom lip and then puts it in her mouth.
"what. you had cream on your face" she says innocently. i chuckle to myself and start wiping down the countertops.

after we clean the kitchen, we go upstairs to get ready. i start to do my hair and makeup while leah sits on the bed. after i've done my hair and makeup leah gets up to do hers. i decided not to get dressed until just before we leave. so i sat on the bed and scrolled through my phone.

a while later i got dressed and put on my friendship bracelets that i'm going to trade. i've spent a long time making these whenever i've had some spare time.

on the way there we listened to taylor swift. we parked up and went inside wembley stadium. it started to fill up quickly. i noticed that leah was a bit quiet but didn't think anything of it. she stood beside me quietly while i talked to lots of people around me, trading friendship bracelets with anyone that wanted to.

we sung and danced together. leah put a few pictures and videos of me screaming the lyrics and also some of both of us. leah didn't know all the songs but the ones she did, she sung loudly with her arm around me.

we were singing love story. i felt a tap on my arm and looked over to leah, she was knelt down with a ring in her hand.
"marry me ella" she said, looking up at me.
oh my god. i nodded, completely lost for words. this is my absolute dream proposal. i held her hand and helped her stand up again. i stood on my tiptoes and pulled her face towards me, kissing her lips.

"i love you so fucking much" i said loudly.
"i love you so fucking much too" she said back.
by this point many people had turned to look at us, many cheering and clapping. leah put the ring on my finger and kissed my hand.

we held hands for the rest of the concert. by the end, my makeup was ruined from the tears. leah pulled me into her and kissed my temple as we walked back to the car. leah opened my side and then made her way to her side to sit in the car.

"i'm so in love with you" i said. my voice was almost completely gone.
"fucking hell ella, how loud were you screaming" she laughed, putting her hand at my thigh and driving us home.
"i think you know how loud i can scream" i winked. she shook her head laughing.

leah's pov
i'm quite nervous to propose to ella. i know that she will say yes but i'm still shitting it.

as we're singing i pass a note to the person behind me with a smile. the note said 'i'm going to propose during love story. would you mind recording for me?' she nodded with a huge smile on her face.

after i got her to airdrop me the video. i didn't show ella yet.

ellas pov
when we got home, i was feeling exhausted. i went straight upstairs to get ready for bed. leah hadn't come up yet. i wiped off my makeup and took off all the bracelets i traded. i took off my clothes and slid into bed. i decided to sleep in just my underwear as i was so tired and couldn't be bothered dressing myself.

soon later leah walked in with a mug in her hand.
"for your throat" she said, handing me the cup of hot chocolate.
"i love you" i croaked, taking the cup and drinking it.
leah started to undress herself.
"get in like that" i said before she had a chance to put any other clothes on.

she did as i said and slid in next to me, taking the now empty cup and putting it on the nightstand.
"i can't believe you proposed like that. that's always been my dream" i said as i lay my head on leah's chest. i placed my hand at her stomach and traced her abs.
"i had a feeling it was. that's why i did it" she said as she stroked my back.

"night princess. sleep well" she said, placing a kiss on my head.
"night gorgeous" i mumbled into her chest.

i fell asleep in the arms of my fiancé. i've never been happier.

A/N: i know the times arent right but let's pretend that they are :)

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