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in the morning me and leah woke up quite late. it is now friday and we are leaving tomorrow afternoon.

it's 7:00 pm and leah is playing football in the back garden with luca. they have been getting on really well. luca seems to have taken quite a liking to leah, which is cute. i'm just laying on a sun lounger watching them run around while i blast taylor swift. i watch how good leah is with kids and wonder if in the future me and leah will have kids of our own. i really hope so.

soon later leah comes and flops down on my chest, kissing my cheek softly.
"man that kid has so much energy" she laughs looking towards him.

"i know, how does he not get tired. you guys have been at it for hours" i laugh rubbing my hands up and down leah's back.
"i don't know but i'm exhausted. i'm gonna get a shower and then get into bed" she says while getting up.

"alright. i'm going to watch him for a bit and then i'll come up later" i say. she nods as she walks away.

luca plays on his own, practicing his shooting. he stands in different areas of the garden and shoots it into his net. after another hour or so it's time for him to get ready for bed.
"come on lukey it's time to go in" i say. surprisingly he listens to me first time, putting his ball away and running inside.

leah had finished from the bathroom and is now in my room. i tell luca to go in the shower while i go and get his pyjamas out and lay them on his bed. after he gets out the shower and into bed, i tuck him in, giving him a kiss on the head before leaving his room.

when i get into my room i see leah in bed. she is still awake on her phone but when she sees me come in she puts her phone away. i get dressed and ready for bed. sliding in next to leah i move closer to her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"goodnight baby, i love you" i say into her neck, giving her a quick kiss.
"night princess, i love you" she says, giving me a gentle squeeze. she falls asleep quite easily.

about an hour later luca comes into my room and taps my shoulder.
"ella. can i sleep with you. because you're going tomorrow" he whispers. i move to the side and make some space between me and leah, pulling the blanket forward so he could get in. it had been 15 minutes and luca hadn't stopped tossing and turning. i was worried that he would wake leah up so i got out of bed and held his hand, guiding him out after me. i made sure the blanket was covering leah and then left the room, making sure to grab a jumper. we left the room and walked towards the stairs.

we went outside towards my car.
"you can sit in the front bud" i said and he smiled before climbing into the passenger seat. we put our seatbelts on and then started driving. i drove us to a mcdonald's and parked up. "come on" i said getting out of the car. as we were walking towards the door i noticed luca shaking.
"you cold?" i asked, to which he nodded. i pulled the jumper off myself and placed it over his head, putting it on him. i held his hand and we walked inside.
"can i get 1 medium fries and 2 hot chocolates please" i said to the lady at the counter while smiling.
"of course. is that cash or card" she asked. i payed with my card and then we went and sat down.

"do you really love leah" he asked randomly. i was shocked at his question.

"uhm yeah. of course i love her" i replied, thinking about her smiling.

"are you going to marry her" he asked. that caught me slightly off guard.

"erm.. yeah i hope so" i said. i really do see a future of us being a happy married couple, with a few kids, growing old together.

"good because i like her. i want her to be in our family" he said smiling.

the lady brought us our stuff and i thanked her. me and luca shared the fries. then we sipped our hot chocolate. i took a picture of him, wanting to keep this memory. i hope that makes him sleepy. after we finished we went back to the car and i drove us home. we crept back upstairs, trying not to wake anyone.
"can i still sleep in your bed" he asked while rubbing his eyes.
"yeah come on." i whispered back to him. he took off my jumper putting it on the back of my chair. then we slipped into bed. he fell asleep quickly, cuddling into me.

in the morning i woke up and felt that luca no longer had his head on my shoulder. i looked over to see him with his head on leah's chest and his hand at her shoulder, hugging her as they both slept. i quickly took a picture while smiling at them. their bond was so cute.

after half an hour leah woke up, smiling when she noticed luca.
"morning baby" she whispered at me as i leaned over to peck her lips.
"he's actually adorable" she said, gesturing to luca.
"yeah. last night he came and asked if he could sleep here. when i let him he kept tossing and turning, so i took him to mcdonald's. when we got back he fell asleep almost instantly." i said smiling.

after luca woke up, we went downstairs and had breakfast. we decided to spend the morning with my parents as we were leaving soon. we sat on the sofa and chatted about random things. then me and leah went upstairs to pack our things before leaving.

"when do you want to bring all your stuff to my house?" leah asked, sitting on the bed as she had finished.

"i don't know, maybe within the next week" i said still taking clothes out of my wardrobe.
"we can turn one of the guest rooms into your music room if you want" leah suggested.
"really? your so sweet le" i said walking to her, pecking her lips. 
"i would do anything for you, princess" she says looking up into my eyes.
"your too cute baby" i say, standing between her legs, pulling her head into me as she wraps her arms around me. i carried on packing my things until i had everything. as i was zipping my suitcase up, luca walked in and sat on the bed.

"leah." he said nervously.
"what's up dude" she replied, giving him her full attention.
"can i have your number. in case i want to talk to you" he said looking down. leah looked at me and i gave her a nod. i think it's cute how she looked at me, as if asking if she can
"of course you can mate" she said, putting her number into his phone.
"thank you" he said, hugging her.

it is now time for us to leave. everyone came to the door to see us out. everyone hugged leah first, saying goodbye and good luck for her football. then they hugged me.
"make sure you come down to visit again soon" my mum said as i stepped out of the house.
"i'll miss you" luca said hugging me one last time.
"i'll miss you too bud. make sure to facetime though" i said and he nodded.

me and leah left and set off on our journey back home to london.  

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