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when we got home i got dressed and did my hair and makeup. leah had a quick shower and also got ready.

"you look stunning" i said to leah as she came down.

"thanks. you don't look too shabby yourself" leah joked with a wink. i shook my head and laughed at her comment.

"come on let's go" i told her not wanting to be late and make a bad impression.

"have you called an uber?" she questioned as she picked up her phone.

"no i'm driving. i don't drink so it's fine" i confirmed as we were going to a bar to meet her teammates.

"oh okay" leah said partly shocked at the fact i don't drink.

"i don't drink because my ex would get really drunk and. y'know" i hoped she would understand. she nodded with sadness in her eyes telling me she did which i was thankful for.

when we arrived we were the last there. everyone was sitting at a booth in the back although it was fairly quiet in the bar. leah took my hand and led me to the booth. one by one she introduced me to all her teammates.

"so you must be the reason leah's been so happy recently. i'm beth by the way." she stuck her hand out with a cheeky grin to which i accepted. i could already tell that we would get along well.

"how on earth do you put up with her?" katie chimed in causing me to chuckle slightly.

"honestly don't know. she can be a right pain in the arse sometimes" i joked, causing a few laughs from around the table and an embarrassed looking leah.

"only joking baby" i said while grabbing her hand and kissing her cheek. only causing her cheeks to become more redder. many "aww"s erupted but one reaction took me by surprise. jordan nobbs suddenly left the table and went to the bar.
jordan was leah's ex girlfriend and from what i'm aware jordan left leah.

i spoke to some of the girls, mostly beth, viv and katie getting to know them better and telling them a bit about me. i told them about how i am training to become a physiotherapist and how i'm working as an accountant but i'm not enjoying it anymore. i stayed away from the whole singing/ music topic not wanting many people to know about that yet. everyone was listening to me, including leah, who rested her chin on her hands and listened to every word i was saying as if in awe of me. which i thought was cute.

"what is your favourite part of leah?" beth asked. i thought about it. i love everything about leah. her smile. her laugh. her hair. her freckles. let lips. she was the most perfect human. but one thing stuck out to me.

"her eyes" i said as i stared into them with awe. i could look into leah's eyes for hours. they are so beautiful.
leah smiled at me as a brushed my hand over her cheek and moved a strand of hair behind her ear.

"what about you leah?" viv asked curiously. leah didn't even have to think.

"her voice. the way she sings is angelic. it's actually how we met" leah reveals. shit. i didn't want anyone to know yet.

"why don't you perform something for us ella?" katie said gesturing towards the small stage.

"you don't have to if you don't want baby." leah whispered to me. but i sort of want to. i have a new song about leah that i wanted to sing to her but i didn't know when. this seems like the perfect opportunity. i nodded and stood up making my way towards the stage. all the arsenal girls noticed and started clapping and cheering. most made their way out of the booth so that they could see better. a few other people in the bar turned to face me, some also clapping.

i picked up a guitar and strummed it. i also tested the mic before taking a breath.

"this is a song i wrote myself about a special someone. it's called gorgeous." i spoke into the microphone. i locked eyes with leah and she smiled at me.

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