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i woke up and checked the time. it is 7:00. today is my first day working at arsenal. jonas sent me the uniform, which is just the arsenal tracksuit with my initials on it. i got up and woke leah up. we both got ready.

"what do you think" i say to leah as i pull the t-shirt over my head.
"gorgeous" she says kissing my lips.

we go downstairs and eat breakfast, before heading out of the house to work. i haven't told any of the girls yet as i wanted it to be a surprise.

when we got there leah went straight to the changing rooms, giving me a kiss before she left me. i went to reception, where i was met by jonas. 

"morning ella, come with me and you can meet all the girls. well tell them that you're working here now" jonas said with a smile. i walked with him, he pointed out different rooms as we walked to the changing rooms.

"is everyone decent" he said knocking on the door. there was a series of yeses. he opened the door, walking inside. i followed him in the room and everyone was kind of shocked.

"i'd like to welcome our new member of the physio team" he started. "i'm sure you all know her already, judging by your faces" he laughed.

i smiled at everyone and they all crowded around me, congratulating me for getting the job.

"how come you didn't tell us you were coming" katie asks.
"wanted it to be a surprise, obviously." i stated. after a few minutes jonas called me and leah to the side.
"leah, ella, a word please." i looked at leah confused and she just shrugged her shoulders. we followed him out of the room.

"i just wanted to say that i'm happy for you both but i don't want anyone getting distracted. i want you to keep professional. please keep your personal lives separate from your work lives." he said. we both nodded. me and leah had already agreed that me working here should not let leah get distracted. we don't want it to effect how she performs on the pitch.

leah went back in the room and jonas called kim out. as the captain kim was supposed to take me around the building to show me around. we walked and kim pointed out different rooms. then we got to the physio room.
"this is basically where you'll be working" she said opening the door. we walked in the room and she introduced me.

"everyone this is ella. she's the new physio" kim said loudly. i smiled and waved at everyone.
"now this is where i leave you" kim said to me. she hugged me and wished me good luck for my first day.

i walked in and sat down on a chair. everyone was super nice and friendly. they all asked me some questions to get to know me more. after a while everyone got back to doing some work.

"hey i'm miley" a girl not much older than me says coming over to me.
"ella" i say shaking her hand.
"this is for you to make some plans for some of the players when they come in" she hands some clipboards to me. she showed me around the room and pointed out where everything is that i might need.

after a while some of the players came in. some of them got massages. some of them got given their training plans. i was doing someone's massage when i saw leah slightly limp into the room and sit on the sofa. i looked at her and she gave me a pained smile. after i finished massaging lottes leg she got up and thanked me. i smiled at her as she left. i went over to leah who was still sat on the sofa.

"can you take a look at my leg. it stings." leah said standing up and going to where lotte was just sat. she lays down on her stomach and rests her her head on her arms.
"which leg" i ask
"my left" she replies. i pull down her left sock gently. she's got gashes down her calf.
"bloody hell leah, what happened" i said slightly shocked at the state of her leg
"studs to the calf" she says.

i grab some disinfectant wipes and wipe down her leg. i don't want it getting infected. i grab some bandages and start wrapping her leg.
"is that too tight?" i ask she shakes her head so i continue. once i've wrapped her leg she sits up. by this point everyone else has left the room
"anything else" i ask. she pulls me to stand between her legs.

"yeah" she says. i look at her, waiting for her to continue. she puts her hands at my waist.

"my lips hurt. i think you need to kiss them better" she smirks. i shake my head laughing. i put my hands around her neck and pull her down to kiss my lips. leah pulls away and jumps off the bed. she leans her back against it and pulls me into her, kissing my lips and her hands make their way to my bum.

"damn leah. at work. didn't know you roll like that" a voice says from behind me.

"fucking hell beth. how long have you been stood there" leah says in shock.

"not that long" she winks.

"i've come to find you both. it's lunch. the girls were wondering where you were. i guess i can tell them your eating your lunch in here" beth teases

leah rolls her eyes and i just shake my head while laughing.
"we're comjng beth" i said grabbing leah's hand dragging her towards the door. we walked hand in hand behind beth as we walked into the cafeteria. me and leah grabbed our food and went and sat with beth and viv.

we were chatting while eating.
"so how's the music going ella" viv asked.
"it's okay. i'm currently writing a new song" i answered.
"you are?" leah questioned

after lunch, the girls had gym. me and the other physios went to monitor everyone and make sure they don't overdo anything. i was with beth who was doing weights. my eyes keep wandering off to leah. she's doing pull-ups, and she looks so hot doing them. i try my hardest not to look at her but i can't stop staring.

"will you stop looking at your girlfriend for 5 minutes and focus on me" beth jokes.
"i cant. look at her. she's so fucking fine" i say, covering my mouth after realising what i said.
beth laughs shaking her head.
"sorry didn't mean to say that out loud but it is true" i say with a sheepish smile.

leah gets down from the pull up bar and lifts her shirt up to wipe the sweat off her neck, revealing her perfect abs, glistening with sweat.

"fucking hell" i say quietly.
"i think we need to get you out of here before you fucking faint" beth laughs.

leah grabs her water bottle and drinks it while looking at me. she winks when she notices me looking at her, my cheeks blush.

"honestly ella. you wouldn't think she's your girlfriend by the way you're acting. you'd think she's your crush in highschool" beth teased.

"it's not my fault my girlfriend looks so good working out" i say defending myself.

"it looks like she's planning on a different workout later" beth winks causing me to turn redder.

when we went home me and leah ended up having sex on the sofa, in the kitchen, in the bedroom and in the shower.

we fell asleep wrapped up in each others arms.

A/N: i hope you liked this chapter :)
please leave any suggestions

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