(request) yuqi › played

Começar do início

"Y/N," Yuqi called out, walking over to. She stood in front of you and placed a hand on your shoulder, looking into your eyes carefully. "What's wrong? The first few hours of dance before our last break went so well, and now... something seems off. Is everything okay?" She questioned, stepping closer.

She was standing unnecessarily close to you, but you decided to ignore the bubbling of butterflies in your stomach.

"I'm... I'm fine, I just- I read something online, okay? It was directed towards me, but I'm fine. I won't get distracted again," you told her.

Her frown only deepened. "Y/-"


She sighed and dropped the conversation.


"Is everyone ready?" A staff member asked loudly from backstage.

A chorus of yes responded to the staff member's question, satisfying her. "Okay, then! Girls, you're on in five," she said, looking at you and Yuqi. You both nodded firmly.

You were slightly nervous to do this performance with Yuqi, mainly because of the rumors. Thousands of people expressed their dislike and discomfort towards the idea of you and Yuqi dating, so you're scared that no one will like the performance that you both worked so hard on. You don't want a rumor to be your downfall or to affect your group, nor do you want it to do the same to Yuqi. You truly care about her, and you don't want to see her be anything but happy, satisfied with herself, and successful.

"Go time!"

As soon as a staff member yelled those words, you and Yuqi rushed out on stage and got into position.

You start out facing each other, so you looked into her eyes. She winked. You grinned back.

Then the music played.

And you're glad to say that, so far, the performance is going better than you expected it to. The both of you are having a lot of fun. It's a five minute song, and it's almost over, however, much to your dislike.

But all of a sudden, as you were smiling to the crowd and singing one of your lines, something was suddenly thrown on stage and hit you directly in the eye. Well, it hit the entire left side of your face, but your eye was experiencing the most pain because your hand was near your eye when it happened, and so you ended up poking yourself in it.

You cried out in pain and doubled over, collapsing on the floor in an instant. The pain was almost unbearable. But with your uninjured eye, you were able to see what was thrown at you so hard that you felt dizzy.

A football. A literal football. Someone somehow managed to bring a football to the venue... to throw it at you as hard as they could?

"Oh my god!" You heard hurried footsteps, and before you knew it, Yuqi was by your side, worry written all over her face. You did your best to ignore how the crowd was going crazy.

"Can I see your eye, babe? Please?" Yuqi asked, probably forgetting that her mic was on and the two of you were on stage in front of thousands of fans. She likes to call you babe and baby when you're together or practicing, so you suppose it was only natural for her to let it slip here.

The crowd completely lost their shit, though.

But you did as she asked, trying your best to open your eye for as long as you could. You kept blinking rapidly as your eyes began to water just by being open, but she was able to get a good look.

"Shit, that looks a little bad, Y/N... let's get you backstage," Yuqi said quickly. "But let me say a few words to the crowd first."

You raised an eyebrow, curious as to what she wanted to say.

imagines | gxg ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora