Give me your hand (I promise I won't break it) ~ Tsukasa (fluff)

Start from the beginning

Soundlessly turning the knob, wary of creaking hinges-and surprised that it was unlocked in the first place, you poked your head inside the house.

A lamp near the record player painted everything in a soft gold light. Strewn haphazardly over one of the chairs, sat Tsukasa. His back was facing you while he looked out of the window with a troubled demeanor.

Quiet as a shadow-something you learned thanks to all the sneaking around you two have doing-, you stepped in. His brown hair was tousled slightly, his legs dangled over the armrest, clad in flannel pajama pants coupled with a white tank top. A restless growl escaped him, eyes closed, head tilting back, and you watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. His hands ran tiredly over his face. Something was troubling him indeed.

Feeling suddenly like you were intruding on something private, you cleared your throat. "I told you not to get in trouble didn't I?"

Tsukasa grabbed the chair like it was all that anchored him down, gauging his surroundings before turning to you perplexingly, as if unsure you were real. Two more seconds, and he came to some conclusion, lapsing back into his original position, albeit a bit more tensed.
"You need to wear a bell around your neck" he says.
and as an afterthought, he spoke, "It was worth it to see their faces. Tell me, is it true that Stevie Wilks had to shave his head because he couldn't get the melted caramel out?"

"Yeah, he looks like a golf ball now. Still smells like caramel too"

Tsukasa laughed, but he didn't elaborate on it, swinging his legs from the armrest to the actual seat of the chair to face you. "How was the dance?"

You shut the front door and claimed the chair adjacent his. "Not bad. You know Larry? He got pissed because Diana was at the dance with his brother so he dumped the whole punch bowl on them"

Tsukasa smiled so widely that his eyes were nothing more than slits.
"I would've killed to see that. Sounds like a good night" he's rolling his head over to look at the clock "so is it over already?" Obviously wondering why you were in his living room, clad in dance attire, if it wasn't.

"No... But I can only listen to teenagers argue for so long before I go crazy"

And because I missed you, you bit back.

"A sledgehammer does wonders for that." He snorted at the playful glare you sent him before his smile fell. His fingers began picking at loose strands of fabric on the chair. "Did you, uh, dance with a lotta losers fishing for a date?"

An emotion you can't place washes over his face.
You don't put much thought into it.
"Not many, thankfully. I'm not much of a dancer, anyway"

Tsukasa hummed as if you were misinformed and he was debating correcting you. "Really? The way you can sneak into someone's house, I woulda' thought dancing would come natural"

Your ears grew hot and you threw a throw pillow his way.

"Shut up, the door was unlocked... And it's not like I can't dance, I just don't do it alot and the people at our school are exactly good at it either" you cringed at the memory of one of the young men tonight; only by excellent reflexes and a minor miracle had you avoided getting every bone in your foot fractured. "Slow dancing is pretty much the best I got"

Tsukasa, with 'ah-ha!' eyes, jutted a finger out like you'd substantiated his point. "You see! That's boringgg. No wonder you don't like dancing, you've never done anything fun"

Your chest puffed defensively. "Well Mr. Know-it-all, what is 'Fun' dancing?"

"I dunno... the swing? Something involving more than three moves."

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now