『 family 』

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It's been few days since akane was in the hospital . Their friends came and visited her . Ai and Hikaru came and gave her some baby gifts as well as some things to her . Aito was really happy for the new baby .

Mommy ! Kei called out .

Yes dear ? Akane replies as she was getting ready to be released.

Are we going home now ? He asked .

Yes dear - it's been a long time don't you think ? She replied.

yes ! I miss my home but Osaka is really beautiful.  He replied.

Aqua told akane and kei to get on the car . And aoi was in aqua's arm . Since she didn't want kei to be on his arms .

Selfish aoi - that's really selfish! He reminded her .

Well you feed mommy and daddy alone first before me that was selfish too .

Oh well I guess we both are the same ... he confessed .

Hmm , aoi nodded .

Kids let's go to the car . Aqua says as he went to the car .

The kids sat in the passengers sit . And akane carried mizu since she was asleep and sat beside aqua who was driving.

It was a long drive but they were finally home .

We are home ! Akane says with a joy .

Kids? Aqua says as he looked back at the passengers seat and saw they were sleeping .

Akane I will get the baby stuffs later but you go put mizu in her crib , he says as he carried the twin .

Ok - she says as he got out of the car .

As aqua was carrying them to their room the twin woke up .

Dad ? Kei says as he rubbed his sleepy eyes .

Kids we are home - he replied .

Oh - aoi says as she tried to get down . Aqua then put them down . As they went in their room .


They all got freshed . Aqua helped akane cook some food . They all ate and then went to their rooms .


Ruby was working in her new song . Then she got a call from haruko .

- hello my guy !

- ru stop calling me that !

- why are you mad ? She asked.

- I am mad because my wife calls me my guy .

- aww it's so sad ! Sorry !
how are you ? She asked .

- doing good ! How about you? He asks as she closed her laptop.

- well kinda sick-

- what happend ? He asked .

- well I couldn't eat anything . And even if I are something I feel nauseous..

- is the baby bothering my wife ~

- ofcouse how would the baby not bother me it's your baby after all . And the baby ofcouse got your attitude! She joked .

- yea and ofcouse they will also look handsome because of their dad and mom ! He said .

- I miss you !!! She whinned .

- I will be there soon . And japan is safe now - all the criminals have been caught . Ah can't wait to go back home with you .

- hmm she hummed as a answer.

- just 2 more week and we will be togather again ! He replied as he sighed .

- yea ....


[ 3 weeks later ]

Akane dear ? Aqua called her .

Yes ? She replied.

Dis you forget today we have a party ? He reminded her

Yes I remember ! She replied.


Akane wore a white dress with black belt . Aqua wore white shirt and black pants .
Kei and aoi wore matching blue and pink shirt.

Kei and aoi ran to the car as their dad and mom came after them . Akane carried mizu . Who was awake and giggle at her parents .


[ At the party ]

Ruby caressed her big belly .  they found out she was having twins !

Hey ruby !! Akane calls her as she came to her .

How are you ? Ruby asked .

Doing good ! How about you ? She asked .

Well I am also fine now . Specifically since haruko is now by my side .


They all talked and had fun . Aito , kei and aoi was with mizu . Haruko came to ruby every few minutes asking if she needed something .

Aqua was handling the kids really well . And aito helped him .

They all had fun .


Family it's a really important thing in our life . We need a healthy family to have a better or great life .

I live my family so much . That I can't imagine something happening to them .

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