『 mom?』

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Hey girl wake up - the woman called out .

Huh ? Ruby's eyes began to open a bit . It was still blurry but she could still see the lady . And the moment her vision got clear she almost jumped out of her place . She saw her no Sarina Tendouji's mom . In her previous life she never cared for her . Then she realized she isn't Sarina anymore . Sarina is dead . Ruby was still shivering in the cold .

Girl why are you here ? It's soooooo cold and raining. The lady said to her.

I am lost . My aunt was supposed to pick me up from here but then she never came to pick me up . It became dark and the roads are too dark so I couldn't find my way out . I am still at the station hoping my brother or friends would come. Ruby replied. 

The lady took off her coat and gave it to ruby , Here take it - .

Ruby looked at her and started to break down ..but she calmed her self down . "Thank you..."

It's okey . Your a young girl . And it's dark night . Your aunt is irresponsible or what ? This place is not safe . I lost my daughter when she was really young . I was irresponsible . The lady said while sitting beside her .

The lady noticed that she was was breathing fast and was shivering.

Girl ? The lady asked .

Yes ? She looked at her .

Tell me your family's number so they can pick you up .

Oh thank yo-u . It's -----------..

Wait the phone is ringing,  what's your name ? The lady asked .

Ruby , she said as she looked down .

She lady smiled . What a nice name . Oh they picked up ! Here talk - she handed the phone .

- hello ? Aqua asked .

- brother ? It's me -

- Ruby where are you ? I am looking for you like crazy .

- brother come to ####### station. 

- wait I am coming. Don't move from there ..

* call ends *

Thank you miss , Ruby thanked her .

Your welcome , the lady smiled .

〔 Few minutes later 〕

Aqua came running to her and saw sarina's mom .

Hello miss , aqua bowed down .

Oh dear your her brother ? Please take care of her . She is shivering in the cold , the lady told him .

I will thank you for being here for her .

It's okey . The lady waved goodbye and left .

Ruby still looked at her and saw her dissappear from her sight .

Ruby ? Aqua asked as Ruby was still zoned out .

Haruko came running and saw her shivering wet . He took his jacked off and covered her with that .

Aqua was still callin her then she snapped back to reality.

Your really zoned out ? Do you know how much worried I was ? Me and haruko looked for you like crazy . And why didn't aunt come pick you up ? Aqua asked her .

I don't know and sorry for all the trouble. She replied. 

Aqua started to cry hugging her . "Do you know how much worried I was . Your my sister my previous little sister . If I lost you I would have gone insane ."

Aqua ? It's fine ...

Let's get you home , haruko said as he went to start the car .

Aqua helped her get on the car .

[ On the road ]

Haruko looked at ruby few times with the looking glass . She was zoned out . Haruko and aqua had some small talks .

〔 At home 〕

Akane ran down and saw ruby like that . She was relieved that she was okey and she took her in the room and told her to take a warm bath while she prepared their food .

Akane ? Aqua called her out .

Yes ? She came up to him .

Don't make me worried like ruby did to me today . She said while hugging her .

Haha I won't don't worry . She assured.

Is she okey ? Aqua asked.

Well she is eating... aqua ? She asked .

Yes ?

Don't you think our ruby and haruko would make a cute couple ? She asked while pouting.

No - they won't.  Then he started to play with hair .

[ Few months skip ]

Aqua ? Akane ? Ruby called out .

Yes , do you need something ? Aqua and akane replied at the same time .

Yuki and mem Cho started to laugh .

Ofcouse it's not my wedding it's yours so go pick the place where you want to get married .

Akane love you pick - aqua said to her .

Ah near the beach . It would be soo beautiful , akane replied. 

Okey then beach is fixed . I still can't belive there is only a month left since you two are getting married . I  going to cry , ruby whinned. 

Calm down ! Mem Cho said as everyone started to laugh at her childish behavior .

Kana ! Akane waved at her .

Oh hey akane and aqua . And everyone else .

[ they talked for a while ]

Hey guys ? Akane suddenly spoke .

Yea ? Yuki replied. 

Don't you think our ruby and haruko would make a cute couple ? She asked .

Yes yes ! Shipp ! Mem Cho and kana yelled .

Ah yes brother-in-law haruko ! Sakamoto teased ruby.

Ruby was blushing crazily. 

Yea they would , aqua whispered .

Omg aqua you agreed !!! Akane look at him with a surprised look .

Yea so ? Can't I agree ? He said pouting to her .

Yall stop being lovey dovey infront of us -

Akane and aqua started to blush at the comment then they all went back to work and preparing the wedding. 

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